by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, September 1988)
IN JUNE 1986 Liberty Bell published the obvious explanation of an incident that had occurred at a chemical plant built and operated by the Union Carbide Corporation in Bhopal in north central India. Fumes of methyl isocyanate escaped from the plant and killed something more than a thousand low-grade Hindus (1), who were living in normal squalor in the environs of the plant. The incident was, in itself, of no great importance. It was of the same scale of significance as the incident which occurred in India a little later, when more than two hundred Hindus were killed or severely injured in the wreck of an express train that was dynamited by some of the Dravidian pests who are now commonly called Tamils from the language that most of them speak. That incident was given a paragraph in some newspapers in this country and ignored by many more.
(1. The word 'Hindu' is the adjectival form of the Persian name for India (whatever its boundaries at a given time), and therefore properly designates a native inhabitant of India, and is used in that sense in all European languages except in the English spoken and written in India and in Britain, where there is an attempt to restrict it to the inhabitants of India who practice 'Hinduism,' the body of customs and superstitions that are the basis of most of the almost innumerable religious cults now prevalent in India. It would thus exclude Moslems and, if used strictly, would exclude Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, atheists, etc. Some British writers further restrict the word to Aryans of northern India, the Hindustan of Eighteenth-Century writers, because the Persian Hindu was derived, through the Prakrits, from Sanskrit Sindhu, 'The River,' i.e., the Indus. (There are still some Aryans in India, and millions of Hindus exhibit identifiable fractions or traces of Aryan blood, but how large a percentage of the inhabitants of any given region are predominantly Aryan is a question for someone who wishes to devote a lifetime to assembling data for a preliminary estimate.) The use of 'Hindu' to designate the natives of all India within its present borders is the only way of conveniently avoiding the possible ambiguity of 'Indian,' which now has a second meaning, unfortunately given it by Columbus's geographical blunder and the linguistic fecklessness of our people when they occupied North America. It is now much too late to correct that misnomer.)
What made the incident in Bhopal noteworthy was that it was magnified into a great disaster by the government of India, the New YorkTimes, and other jewspapers. That, naturally, set our "Liberal intellectuals" to squawking and quacking. That was only normal, for, needless to say, "Liberal intellectuals" bear to the society of which they are members the relation that cancerous cells bear to the human body they are destroying.
The government of India tried to exploit the incident to fleece Union Carbide of more than two billion dollars. And the fact that Union Carbide was, like Texaco and American Telephone & Telegraph, one of the very few great corporations that are still largely owned by Americans was sufficient to excite the animosity of our alien and domestic enemies.
Liberty Bell published (p. 49) the simple chemical formula which, as was obvious to anyone with a moderate knowledge of organic chemistry, was the only possible explanation of the emission of deadly fumes from the plant at Bhopal, and, given the design of the plant, indicated that the only possible cause of that emission was sabotage by some of the Hindu employees in the plant. It further indicated the nice balance of probability between the two forces, the government of India and the Wall-Street pirates who were trying to capture Union Carbide, that profited greatly from that sabotage at precisely the time at which it occurred.
To defend itself against claims that are, per se, so improbable as to be virtually absurd, Union Carbide hired, for $700,000, an independent organization of investigators, Arthur D. Little, Inc., to investigate the incident. The report of this agency is summarized in the issue of Chemical & Engineering News for 4 July 1988, in an article written by a journalist named Wil Lepkowski, who, in the vulgar phrase, leans over backward to avoid ridiculing the Indian government's version of the incident, manufactured by that government's tame Hindu scientists, who obediently lick the dirty hands that feed them. But to no avail. It is impossible to make moderately well educated readers believe that water flows uphill.
The report shows how the sabotage was carried out. A hose was connected to a pipe leading to the tank and "1000 to 2000 pounds of water" was forced into the tank, precipiating the chemical reaction shown by the formula printed in Liberty Bell. The quantity of water is somewhat less than the amount conjecturally estimated in Liberty Bell, but our common-sense reconstruction of the act of sabotage is completely verified.
The report assumes that the perpetrator of the sabotage, who has evidently been identified, was a "disgruntled employee," a Hindu who was so ignorant of elementary chemistry that he thought pumping water into the tank would merely ruin its contents for use in the manufacture of pesticides, without foreseeing the inevitable exothermic reaction that cracked the tank and vented the lethal fumes it had generated. This kindly explanation does not exclude the possibility that the employee was made "disgruntled" by a fee from one or the other of the two entities who profited so enormously from the sabotage that occurred precisely at the time it served their interests.
The tactful attribution of the crime to a "loner" is in keeping with the technique of what is called "damage control" in modern politics, and hard-headed observers will be reluctant to dismiss as mere coincidence the fact that, as was noted in Liberty Bell, the sabotage opportunely occured just in time to permit exciting the Hindu public with rabid anti-American agitation and thus distracting attention from the flagrantly illegal usurpation of power by Rajiv Ghandi, the present ruler of India. It may not be irrelevant to add that if Ghandi and his gang did arrange the sabotage to facilitate his coup d'état, they were only acting in conformity with the bimillenial tradition of Hindu political science. It would have been a praiseworthy application of the Realpolitik expounded in the famous Sanskrit treatise on the science of government, the Arthasastra. It would have matched the ruses of the great Prime Ministers whose acumen and sagacity are lauded in the dramatic and narrative literature of the early centuries of our era (e.g., Yaugandharayana, Canakya, Yogakarandaka, et al.)
Although the report attributes the actual sabotage to a "loner," it makes it clear that immediately after the exothermic reaction and the emission of the lethal fumes, a conspiracy of Hindu employees went into action to conceal the cause. Many pages of the routinely kept logs of the plant's many operations were torn out and destroyed; others were altered; and some were forged. The government of India immediately went into action to prevent the officials of Union Carbide from discovering the cause; they were for many months denied access to their own plant and prevented from interrogating the employees. The government at once began an attempt to shakedown Union Carbide for more than two billion dollars by instituting fantastic legal proceedings in its notoriously corrupt courts. (2)
(2. The hopeless corruption of Hindu government, including the courts, and of society in general is admitted in moments of candor by intelligent Hindus, who attribute it to overpopulation, which makes the struggle for existence so acute that it induces in individuals a ruthless and unscrupulous egotism that is not moderated by the accepted but ignored 'spiritual values' of the various religions. Certainly this universal corruption was simply a fact of life in India after (if not before) the Moslem conquest that began in A.D. 1001; it was interrupted by the British conquest, occupation, and government of India, but after the wicked colonialists, with their odd Western notions about honesty and justice, were expelled, the native manner of life was naturally resumed.)
Union Carbide is not blameless. With American sentimentality and generosity, its officers began by offering compensation for the Hindu victims of their Hindu employees, and even now are offering $350,000,000 to settle the outrageous claims. They seem not to have learned the folly of trying to buy off blackmailers and extortionists. They even imagine or pretend that factual evidence could affect the decisions of the Hindu courts, which will naturally find whatever their government wants. It would have been more reasonable simply to write off their Indian subsidiary as an expensive lesson on the folly of American businessmen who, deluded by "internationalist" twaddle, invest money in countries that are not in the Western world. The inhabitants of those countries inevitably hate our civilization in general, to which they add the contempt that is specially felt for Americans throughout the world.
The Hindu offensive against Union Carbide is motivated by a particular animosity against Americans, in addition to greed and the political utility of agitation about the responsibility of Union Carbide for an incident utimately caused by the requirement that the corporation employ only Hindus in the plant. Americans, by their grotesque self-righteousness and their nasty meddling in the internal affairs of every nation they corrupt with their "foreign aid," have made themselves both despised and hated by all of the so-called "third world."
There is, however, something to be said for India. The Hindus have a valid reason for identifying the United States as their deadly enemy, bent on the destruction of their country and the enslavement of its multiracial population. And there is really no excuse for Americans who do not recognize that valid reason.
In 1961, when the Soviets judged that the time had come to revive and carry to completion the old Czarist ambition to conquer India, the American end of the Washington-Moscow Axis was charged with the duty of bleeding the tax-paying animals in the United States to finance the construction of a highway to permit the rapid occupation of Afghanistan by Soviet troops. The engineers of the U.S. Army were accordingly sent to Afghanistan to build through some of the most mountainous and difficult terrain in the world a broad modern highway that extends for three hundred miles from the Soviet border to Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, which is not far from the southeastern border of that county, and whence a road, built by British engineers in 1880, runs through the Khyber Pass to Peshawar, which was the provincial capital of what was called the North-West Frontier Province when India was under British rule.
This American work for the Communist Empire was carried out in effective secrecy from 1961 to 1965, when the work was completed. It was done by American engineers at the expense of the American boobs, who were not told for what they were paying. Some information about the work naturally reached Americans and was reported in some of the publications of the tiny minority of 'Fascists' and 'Neo-Nazis,' who have not yet been cured of the vice of thinking. Such publications are ignored by well-trained boobs, and the disclosure was officially covered by the usual chatter about international do-gooding and some nonsense about promoting trade and harmony among the "democratic peoples of Asia."
Soviet control of Afghanistan, as of the United States, began with massive internal subversion carried out by trained agents and dim-wits who become intoxicated with drivel about "democracy" and "welfare." The stupid Afghans permitted overthrow of their monarchy in 1973, and Americans who heard about it were naturally delighted by the spread of their own mortal disease. The "democracy," of course, was merely preparation for a revolutionary coup d'état, complete with almost enough bloodshed to content "Liberal intellectuals," and the assumption of power by the Revolutionary Council of the People's Democratic Party, which immediately concluded a treaty of "alliance" with the Soviet. No "Liberal intellectual" in this country could possibly object to such delicious progress in "human relations." Reactionaries in Afghanistan were less pleased, and the first contingent of Soviet troops entered Afghanistan in December 1979.
Since the lid was on in the daily press, the average American could be excused for being unaware of his contribution to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan until March 1980, when Ron Paul, a Congressman from Texas, publicly disclosed the facts and even exhibited photographs of sections of the highway. For this and other indiscretions, he was soon thereafter removed from Congress by the Jews.
After 1980, however, the American population, if still capable of taking an interest in their own affairs, should have known what Mr. Paul had made public knowledge, including the use of the highway for the purpose for which it was designed by the Washington-Moscow Axis.
Soviet troops, moving over the highway, very quickly consolidated occupation of Kabul (begun by air-borne detachments) and of all the strips of territory adjacent to the principal highway and the five tributary roads that had been improved and modernized by our Army engineers under the supervision of the Soviets, who were coöperating in "aiding" the Afghans.
In the United States, there was, of course, jabbering, most of it hypocritical, about "aggression" and the "surprising" Soviet invasion, but the American boobs never saw a connection between that invasion and the highway they had built in preparation for it. In its issue for the week of 19 January 1987, the Spotlight quoted Congressman Paul and made clear the relation between the highway and the invasion, but despite the comparatively large circulation of that American periodical, the article made no impression on the public. It is a truism that you can lead horses to water, and Americans to facts, but can't make the former drink or the latter think.
The boobs are now being told that the Soviet invasion was a failure, and some journalists with alcoholic imaginations are comparing it to the planned defeat of the United States in Vietnam. Hogwash!
It is a well-known fact, made especially obvious by the difficulties encountered by Germany in Jugo-Slavia, that a modern mechanized army, even with complete control of the air, is hopelessly handicapped when it encounters large-scale and determined resistance from guerrillas in mountainous territory. Thus irregular forces of Afghans and other inhabitants of Afghanistan were able to continue resistance to the Soviet occupation, and eventually the Jewish Gold Dust Twins, Reagan and Gorbachev, arranged a withdrawal of Soviet troops that will permit the Soviet government of Afghanistan to "restore peace" and peacefully liquidate the remaining opposition through a sequence of "compromises" and "reforms." (3) The tax-paying animals in the United States will naturally have to finance "foreign aid" to "preserve democracy" in Afghanistan, as they have done so often in many other countries -- always with the planned result of consolidating Communist control over the victim of American "aid."
(3. For a drastically condensed summary of why this is inevitable, see the appendix to this article.)
This joint Soviet-American enterprise should effectively end all troublesome resistance in Afghanistan in two or three years. Needless to say, the Soviets are not interested in what may go on in the back country: all that they want is a secure line of communication and supply through Afghanistan, untroubled by harassment from the natives.
Now there are intelligent Hindus, and they remember that throughout the Nineteenth Century the Russian Empire coveted India and was prevented from moving through Afghanistan into India only by the British, who, in the Second Afghan War (1878-80), sent their army, unhampered by mechanization, into Afghanistan and brought that country effectively under British control, which lasted without interruption until the British succumbed to the suicidal mania that now afflicts our race and began to liquidate their empire, leaving the peoples of India to their own devices.
The present situation is one that gives intelligent Hindus dire forbodings. The independence of India was naturally celebrated by massacres on a scale so very large that it was noteworthy even in this age of "democracy," and could be mitigated only by the creation of what is now Pakistan as a refuge for the Moslems in India. It is true that Pakistan is now a buffer state between India and Afghanistan, but that is scant protection, since Pakistan would not resist a Soviet invasion, but, if offered acceptable terms, would gladly coöperate in putting the Hindus in their place and thus avenging various acts of aggression by the Indian government, especially in the Vale of Kashmir.
Intelligent Hindus, of which there must be some in the government, have long been apprehensive of a Soviet invasion. They, for example, prohibit by law the exportation of detailed maps of any region in India where such maps, usually made by the British, were published, and refrain from making such maps of areas for which no published maps are available. The official explanation is fear of Pakistan, but that would be absurd, if it were not a pretense to avoid naming the Soviet.
Intelligent Hindus perceive, as Americans do not, that the "withdrawal" arranged by the Reagan-Gorbachev team is merely an application of the old Russian technique, which antedates the Jewish ("Communist") capture of that country, of taking one step backwards before taking two (or three or four) steps forward.
India will not be occupied by the Soviets in 1989 or 1990, but, unless the enfeebled and seemingly doomed Aryan nations of the West by some miracle recover their will to live, India will be annexed to the Soviet Empire before 2000. Intelligent Hindus foresee that, and their resentment is very naturally directed against the Americans, who are the most useful servants of the Washington-Moscow axis of the Judaeo-Communist Empire, although they are too stupid to know it.
Given this fact, Union Carbide was a victim of the political, as well as the economic, policy of our rulers in Washington, and we can understand the animus of the Hindus against that unfortunate corporation.
To think about the present situation in Afghanistan you must bear in mind two crucial facts:
1. The geographical name of the great range of mountains that dominate the central part of that country, the Hindu Kush, should not mislead you into thinking that there now is, or ever has been, any considerable number of Hindus in that country. The name became fixed in modern usage at a time when much or all of Afghanistan was under the same rule as much or all of northern India, probably in the time of the Mogul Empire. (4)
(4. The origin of the name may be traced back to the Classical geographers who, by analogy, called the mountain range the Caucasus Indicus, adopting a name that seems to have been given it by the Greeks at the time of Alexander's conquest of Bactria, which had been a part of the Persian Empire. The alternative name, Paropamisus, is probably a native name that passed through Old Persian to Greek; it is not, as sometimes stated, derived from Sanskrit.)
2. The Afghans are a minority in the country to which they have given their name. The Afghans, also called Pathans when they reside in the northwestern part of what was British India, are a racial amalgam that includes both Aryan and Semitic blood, with contributions from quite a few of the many other races that have passed through what is now called Afghanistan, perhaps originally added to some of the tribes of natives the Persians found in it when they brought it for the first time under civilized rule.
The language of the Afghans is Pushtu, which is Indo-European and has an affinity with Persian, from which it differs so much, however, that it is unintelligible to the majority of inhabitants of Afghanistan, who, whatever their ethnic origin, now speak Persian. In recent times, the Afghan rulers tried to make the other peoples learn Pushtu, but with little success.
Some of the Afghans, including the most fanatically Moslem sectaries, believe they are the "lost tribes" of the Jews, and some British military men, noting the Afghans' genius for dissimulation and treachery, accepted that claim, for which there is no historical foundation, except the general fact of the Jews' infiltration of every land in which money could be taken from the natives. Other Afghans trace their ancestry to the ancient Egyptians. (5) These genealogies were invented since the Moslem conquest and perhaps as late as the Sixteenth Century.
(5. By an odd coincidence, the ancestry of the Afghan hound, a breed of dog that has recently become fashionable in some circles, has been traced to ancient Egypt.)
The Afghans seem never to have kept a chronicle or history of their own, and the various accounts of their ancestry must be late myths, invented to take the place of records they never kept and oral traditions they forgot. They had no recollection of the time when, under the rule of the Persians and then of the Greeks, Bactria "of the thousand cities" was a great and prosperous nation with a high culture, nor yet of the subsequent times when Buddhism, influenced by the Greek residue, attained in Bactria its finest expression in art, nor yet of the land's progressive decline into barbarism, which was well advanced even before it was successively invaded by the "White" Huns, the Turks, and the Arabs. They seem to have no tradition that antedates the Mogul Empire, which was formed in the Sixteenth Century.
The Soviet invasion has effectively demoralized the Afghans and destroyed their social organization, which gave to the country what precarious stability it once had, thus leaving them vulnerable to the accumulated resentments of the seven or eight peoples they dominated, including Usbeck Tartars, the Mongolian Hazararas, and at least two tribes of Turkic origin.
The religion of all the peoples of Afghanistan, except a few insignificant "pagans" and the modern votaries of the Marxist cult, is Islam; the majority are Sunnis, but there are large and vigorous groups of Shi'ites. Ethnic resentments will therefore be compounded with irreconcilable religious antagonisms.
The national resistance to the Russian occupation has diminished the prestige of the Marxist religion, and some of its votaries, who refrain from participating in the Communist government the Soviets established in Afghanistan, dream of creating an "Afghan Communism," which, however, would in fact have to depend on support from Russia and the United States, allied powers that are unlikely to favor dissidents from the Communist government in Kabul, unless they decide to foster anarchy.
The resistance, not unnaturally, greatly increased the prestige and active membership of the "fundamentalist" Moslems, and the fact that Persian is the language of the country has greatly facilitated the activity of the agents and admirers of Khomenei. There is said to be a considerable tendency toward what is called 'ghazism,' i.e., the faith that True Believers must exterminate the adherents of other cults, who are the damnable and damned servants of Iblis. This should make especially lively the relations between "fundamentalist" Sunnis and the "fundamentalist" Shi'a.
It is obvious, therefore, that the temporary Soviet "withdrawal" leaves Afghanistan a ruined country in which the power of government is "up for grabs" and there will be many grabbers. It requires no imagination to foresee the consequences.
This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine, published monthly by George P. Dietz from September 1973 to February 1999. For reprint information please write to Liberty Bell Publications, Post Office Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA.
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