by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, August 1990)
What is portended by recent events in Russia and Germany is a problem of the first order. At this writing, only two things are certain:
1. In the United States, the boobs will suffer, and probably suffer excruciatingly;
2. In Europe, the only thing that matters is the future of Germany, which the Jews' savages sundered into three parts in 1945. The merging of two of those parts now seems assured.
Readers of this periodical, I am sure, will have paid no attention to the flood of effervescent hogwash about a "failure of Communism" and a "victory for democracy" that inundated the press and the electronic show-box. That was for the boobs.
There has been no significant change in Europe, within or outside the Soviet Union, just as there is no significant change in an opera when one soprano is replaced by another.
The ascent of Gorbachev to the post of general manager in the Soviet was naturally saluted with the usual fanfare about a "mellowing of the régime" etc. ad nauseam. Needless to say, that was just another performance of the farce that has been periodically staged since 1918 to convince suckers that the Communist régime was becoming civilized. One variation of the performance, staged separately or with the other, is designed to give the impression that the Jews are losing control of their Soviet colony. (1)
(1. Even a veteran intelligence officer, Commander Riis, was deceived in his old age when he slipped aboard the sip that brought Krushchev to this country for a song-and-dance in the United Nations. Riis, who spoke Russian fluently, succeeded in interviewing agents of the Russian secret service disguised as simple sailors, and he believed their assurance that Krushchev, who was almost certainly a Kike, was a "real Russian" who was putting the international vermin in their place. Cf. The Enemy of Our Enemies, p. 76. n 24.)
It was not really surprising, therefore, that the first indication of a change of possible significance after the advent of Gorbachev was the toleration of a Russian nationalist movement called Pamyat, which, if not a device for identifying and eventually liquidating potential opposition, suggested a shift in internal policies to utilize the racial and national loyalty of the Russians, as Stalin had done. (2)
(2. Cf. Liberty Bell, November 1988, pp. 8 ff.)
Pamyat has always asserted that "Zionists" (the evasive word for Jews that has always been tolerated and even promoted in the Soviet) were responsible for the overthrow of the monarchy and the descent of Russia into feral barbarism. Now the head of the Pamyat movement is quoted as saying that the Jews (there's the honest word at last) engineered the revolution of 1917-18 to destroy Russia, murder the more civilized part of the population, and enable the world's vampires to feed on Russian blood without fear of interruption. He observes that all the sub-bestial creatures who have ruled Russia during that barbarism, from Lenin to Brezhnev (real name, Garbanski) were Sheenies, with the partial exception of Stalin. Even today, the overwhelming majority in the Russian Academy of Sciences is composed of Yids, who, with their fellow tribesmen in other state institutions, are responsible for the "moribund state" of scientific studies. It has been a long time since such facts could be publicly stated in Russia. (In 1979, Professor Valery Yemelyanov, who had dared to state a few facts about Yids in a private memorandum that was stolen by the ever vigilant parasites, was summarily fired from his academic position and tortured in a "psychiatric hospital.") Of course, the Sheenies, by automatic reflex, instantly began to scream that millions of God's precious masterpieces were about to be stuffed into gas chambers, just as in their great hoax.
The toleration of Pamyat was complemented by arrangements for increasing numbers of Sheenies to flit to the United States to join their millions of fellow tribesmen in battening on the American boobs. (3) Some observers prematurely conjectured that Gorbachev was exporting the godly parasites to clean up his country, and indulged in the specious hope that our race might eventually be defended by the Soviets, whom the Americans, as directed by their masters, had labored so hard for so long to maintain, subsidize and equip.
(3. The number of poisonous parasites now in this country is unknown. They provide statistics that are naturally deceptive, in keeping with the instincts of a race that lives by deceit. A Jewish admission that there were twenty-three million of them battening on Americans by 1920, before the great influx that came when the Germans tried to clean up Germany, may be an inadvertent admission of fact or just another canard.)
It is just possible that Gorbachev, with the permission of his masters, acted to reduce the pervasive corruption of society that always accompanies Jews, and disintegrates effective administration under any form of government. There are said to be 175,000 millionaires in Soviet Russia, most of them, no doubt, Kikes who became wealthy by the theft, bribery, and smuggling of which Semis and others who came to this country openly boasted, making simple-minded "conservatives" rejoice at "free enterprise" in a Communist country. (4)
(4. See Liberty Bell, November 1984, pp. 1-8.)
The present farce was, of course, planned in detail long before it was made public for the benefit of journalists who are proud they knew how to spell 'glasnost.' Six years ago, in 1984, Anatoly Golitzyn, who defected from the Soviet espionage and terrorist agency ('KGB'), predicted "a false liberalization in Eastern Europe, with reforms so dazzling that the West will be incapable of retaining a consensus [he thought there was one!] in favor of a strong defense." The reforms were specifically to include elimination of barriers between the western and eastern thirds of Germany, and a "coalition" government in Poland.
Preparations for the big show were doubtless under way when Golitzyn defected, and selected Sheenies were being groomed for their rôles as "anti-Communists" and "champions of democracy," ready to take over from their Communist kinsmen when the star performers, Gorby & Bushy, came on the stage of the Jews' world-theater, bowing to the applause of simpletons. Attentive observers have noticed that in all the "liberated" satellites of the Soviet, from Poland and Hungary to Romania and Bulgaria, the "new" régimes are run by Kikes, although their front-man may be a stupid or venal native of the country the invaders continue to hold in helpless servitude.
The figurehead in Washington, first Ronnie and the Bushy, held meetings with Gorbachev of the kind the press likes to call "summit," at which, in addition to general jollification and an exchange of dirty stories, the two managers (5) or their crews doubtless coördinated their rôles in the comedy that was to be played for their subjects, perhaps principally for the Americans.
(5. Lawrence Patterson, in his well-known financial periodical, Criminal Politics, identifies Gorby and Bushy as "regional governors," serving under the supervisory direction of Super-Sheeny Kissinger and David Rockefeller. Whether the latter holds so exalted a rank may be doubted. Kissinger has frequently been identified as the satrap apparently charged with governing the United States.)
They arranged for the Masters of Deceit to use their Holohoax racket to extort money from the inhabitants of the part of Germany the Americans gave to the Soviet, thus supplementing the loot now taken from the western third of the unfortunate nation. According to the official statement by Dietrich Granow, Consul General of the western fragment of Germany, the Sheenies had, by January 1988, used their Holohoax to extort from those Germans a total of seven trillion, three hundred and ninety billion dollars ($7,390,000,000,000.), and, of course, the vampires are continuing to suck the blood of the hated Aryans there. They will now shakedown the unfortunate inhabitants of the eastern fragment with the same rapacity. No one, so far as I know, has even tried to calculate how much the Sheenies have, by use of the same crude fiction, extorted from the equally hated Americans, who were their thoughtless tools in wreaking vengeance on the Germans for trying to have a country of their own.
Then, with a burst of fanfare from the orchestra, came the glorious "liberation" of the Soviets' satellite states in Eastern Europe, and gullible Americans felt their cockles grow warm as they imagined that the populations that had been oppressed by the Communists were about to enjoy all the blessings of American "democracy," such as color television, football games, political games by ranting politicians, gasoline-driven go-carts, cocaine, nigger rapists, "AIDS," and lifelong servitude to usurers.
The head of a labor union was given some official recognition in Poland. Americans who had not noted the significant fact that Walesa had been made a hero by the jewspapers, imagined that he had attained his new position without the permission and encouragement of Gorbachev. A photograph, published in Candour, March-April 1989, showing Walesa being petted by David Rockefeller, told the whole story and should have made the coming play clear to anyone who thought about it, even if he did not know that Walesa is surrounded and manipulated by Jews.
The progress of "liberation" in the various satellite states is illustrated by what happened in Romania. The Judaeo-Communists discarded their faithful servant and Bush's counterpart, Ceausescu, a worn-out tool, with as much compunction as you feel when you throw away a broken pair of pliers or a worn-out typewriter ribbon. (6) He was replaced by another of the same kind, who had the advantage of being comparatively unknown, and who is using the secret police to suppress the great threat to the new democracy posed by the Romanians who are anti-Communists, many of whom imprudently exposed themselves in the demonstrations that preceded the disposal of Ceausescu. The new boss, Illiescu, may be a Romanian or part-Romanian thug, but his second in command, "Premier" in the government, is, for the first time in recent decades, admittedly a Yid. And, needless to say, the enemies of mankind still have their slimy claws about the necks of the Romanians, and their new tool has obviously been charged with liquidation of the unexpectedly large opposition that exposed itself. (7) At latest reports, the secret police are hunting down "subversives" who do not sufficiently revere the race that Yahweh created to afflict mankind. Also needless to say, the great "democrat," Illiescu will, like Ceausescu, be petted and honored in Washington and subsidized by Bush's tax-paying animals. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
(6. In the Chalcedon Chronicle, the publication of the most intelligent group of Calvinists, a fairly accurate report of what the writer had seen on a visit to Romania (which, however, written by a pious man, naturally covered up for God's darlings), was followed by an authoritative explanation of the fall of the Communists' stooge, Ceausescu: that happened because the Christians in Romania got down on their knees and begged old Yahweh's famous scion to help them. The writer seems unaware of the obvious corollary of his explanation: either (a) the Romanians, having suffered the horrors of Communist rule for forty-five years, didn't think of yammering to Jesus until this year, or (b) old Jesus was drunk or busy or hard-hearted and didn't pay any attention to all those pleading votaries for forty-five years and then suddenly woke up, had a whim to have mercy on them at last, and stealthily planted in some Communists' minds a lust to liquidate Ceausescu. If neither (a) nor (b) it true, then it follows that Jesus had nothing to do with what happened, and (c) praying to Jesus for forty-five years was wasted effort because there is no one up there in the clouds. Now tell me how a mind, not otherwise idiotic, could fail to see that simple and obvious logic, and you will have explained Christianity.)
(7. That, no doubt, is the unstated reason for the apprehension, that the tyranny of Illiescu will prove to be even more ferocious than Ceausescu's, expressed by the former American Ambassador to Romania, David Funderburk. See the interview excerpted in Christian News, 9 July 1990.)
This, you may be sure, is the drill for other satellites, with insignificant local variations. Visitors to Budapest are impressed by the sudden abundance of merchandise in the stores, and do not notice that Hungary's surplus in trade with Russia was simultaneously converted to a deficit, which the Hungarians or, more probably, the Americans will have to pay, sooner or later. And, needless to say, a fresh crew of God's Own is running the show.
A notable exception to the "liberation" over which Gorbachev presides (with a grin and a wink to Bushy) is the Balkan states, (8) and especially Lithuania, on which Gorby has used the most ruthless economic pressures and threats of military action to repress the desire for "independence" that he beatifically encouraged elsewhere. Various reasons are alleged, but the real one is discernible only after the smoke screen is blown away. The majority of Lithuanians are so bigoted that they do not worship the sacred Sheenies, and some of them are even so impious as to remember how those godly folk cheered and aided the Bolshevik invaders when they massacred civilized and educated Lithuanians in 1940. That is why the Yids officially demanded that Lithuanians believe the Holohoax (and, no doubt, submit to the usual extortion) as a precondition for Gorbachev's entertaining their request for self-government.
(8. Oddly enough, there was an "illegal" request for independence from Latvia, where Latvians are now a small minority. The educated and responsible classes were tortured and murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1940, and the greater part of the remaining Latvians were crammed into boxcars and shipped to towns in the Ural Mountains, where the descendants of the few survivors still live. Mongolian savages were brought in to rape the remaining Latvian women and thus improve the genetic stock of the country. When the Germans occupied Latvia after they countered the impending Bolshevik attack on Germany in 1944, many of the murdered Latvians were exhumed from mass graves, and a cinematographic film of the corpses, many showing atrocious torture, was shown in the United States. Americans were not interested, because the extermination of Latvians was not "genocide," which is the crime of displeasing Jews.)
The public relations experts in Moscow are groaning about the "disastrous economic plight" of the Soviet, thus making simple-minded "conservatives" prate joyously about the beauties of "free enterprise" and the capitalism that has them by the throat with its teeth on their jugular veins. The major purpose of the act became apparent when Bushy ordered the exportation of massive amounts of the dwindling resources of his American subjects, ostensibly to finance and encourage the new "democracy." Mountains of American wheat are being exported to the Soviet at the expense of the tax-paying animals in this country, since the wheat is subsidized and so sold to the Soviets for much less than Americans would have to pay, and the rest is paid by loans, which will be guaranteed by the American serfs and so eventually paid by them. (A second purpose of the exportation may be to exhaust American reserves of wheat in storage, in preparation for the glorious time when American farmers must feed the whole world and, like their Ukrainian counterparts, themselves starve to death on the land from which the harvests have been confiscated for humanitarian purposes.)
It suffices to note that the January issue of Criminal Politics reported the official statement by Procter & Gamble, manufacturers of toothpaste, soap, and the like, that 60% of all their export trade was with poor Russia, where there must be a large demand for such wares. And since the company is not a charitable institution (except when it pays taxes), the exports which form so large a part of its business are obviously paid for by Russia's "faltering economy." Mr. Patterson identifies the economic propaganda, including, according to his sources in his June issue, a fake "May Day" parade with well-orchestrated heckling by well-trained protesters, to make simpletons ready for massive "economic aid" and a "Marshall Plan" to "restructure" the dear Soviets' economy, while Russia is secretly preparing to issue a gold-backed ruble for Americans, who will at last want to have money, after the present dollar bills have been bailed up for "recycling" to save the paper in them.
The only really noteworthy event was the migration of masses of Germans from the eastern to the western third of what the barbarians left of Germany, culminating in the breaching of the famous wall in Berlin and the opening of the border between the two thirds.
Needless to say, those events were not a "spontaneous uprising" as the buncombe in the American press tried to make the boobs believe. It was about as spontaneous as the Anvil Chorus in a performance of Il Trovatore. When that chorus was first heard, however, I doubt that critics in the audience were able to foresee the d‚nouement of the opera's plot, which was known only to the impresario, his staff, and the actors he had rehearsed.
In the eastern fragment of Germany overage actors were summarily retired and abandoned to whatever fate awaited them. They were replaced with younger thugs from the same old gang. The creature called Honecker, of uncertain lineage, was replaced by a Kike named Gregor Gysi, but most of the leading parasites in eastern Germany blossomed out in new clothes as "anti-Communist" and "champions of democracy."
There were a few contretemps. The orchestrated protests got out of hand at times, and, for example, a Sheeny lawyer named Wolfgang Schnur, long celebrated as the valiant defender of dissidents from Communist rule and probably already groomed for the office of Premier, was exposed as a spy for the secret police, to whom he betrayed even his clients. All of the three "reform parties" scheduled to compete with and neutralize each other in coming elections, refused at first to investigate the retired thugs, but finally yielded to popular demand so that they could better cozen the voters when the time came. And it is reported that a Jew was so indiscreet as to boast publicly that a merger of the two fragments of Germany could take place only with the gracious permission of his predatory race.
The excerpts from the German press published (in translation) in the weekly propaganda sheet of the Embassy in Washington show that at least the newspapers quoted prated about irrelevancies and were but little better than American jewspapers. One thing that seems certain, however, is amalgamation of two of the three parts of the mutilated trunk of Germany. This may even lead to replacement of the foul government now headed by a Sheeny, Kohl, and a deserter and traitor, Weizsecker, by a more German government, though scarcely by a really patriotic one.
The probable political consequences of the suturing of the two fragments of Germany will be considered below.
Before we discuss the true import of the events staged by Gorby & Bushy in Europe, we must define the forces involved.
In each of the countries concerned, a prime mover of popular discontent was nationalism, the sense of forming a nation. Now a nation is a natio, a group of persons who are racially and ethnically so closely akin that they could be described (as they were in Antiquity) as all the descendants of an eponymous ancestor. And given the territorial imperative of mammalian life, a nation must claim a specific territory as its own. It can admit to its territory a few metics, who are respected and regarded as visitors, or large numbers of aliens who are regarded as genetically inferior, mere subjects and preferably slaves of the citizens.
When there are racially or ethnically distinct enclaves within a nation, e.g., Hungarians in Romania, Poles in Russia, or Jews anywhere, there is certain to be trouble.
Under the delusions engendered by the Christian superstition, the concept of nationality was generally falsified in Aryan lands, and a nation was identified, not by racial homogeneity, but by birth in the nation's territory. Where this stupid sham is generally accepted, as in the United States, where the American boobs even accept niggers, Jews, and Indians as fellow "Americans," the nation ceases to exist and, as Professor Andrew Hacker pointed out years ago, becomes a geographical name for territory inhabited by incompatible and secretly or openly hostile races, and certain to disintegrate into chaos before long. The Americans proudly advertised their country as a dumping ground for the world's anthropoid refuse, and they have carried their fatuity so far that they now cannot escape the consequences of disregarding and defying the forces of nature.
Europeans are not yet so stultified, and their future depends on frank recognition of racial realities.
We must, above all, understand what we mean by 'Communism.' It has long been a convenient designation of the deadly force that destroys our nations and civilization, but it is not to be identified with a particular "ideology," such as the gospel of Mordecai, alias Karl Marx, which seems now to be becoming discredited and may in future years persist only in the great majority of Christian churches, which have accepted the Marxian Reformation, sometimes called "the social gospel." (9)
(9. It is noteworthy that the power of Illiescu, the present butcher in Romania, depends in large part on the Romanian Orthodox Church, which, like most churches in the United States, sold out and was converted to Marx's gospel decades ago. See the interview cited in Note 7 supra.)
The destructive force that was commonly called 'Communism' or 'Bolshevism' in the recent past consists of three analytically separable elements or layers of subversion:
1) When the Jews invade a nation's country, usually in the guise of godly folk persecuted by the unrighteous rest of the world for their piety, (10) they, by racial instinct, intend first to defile, and then to destroy the nation. A conspiracy of Jewish leaders is well described in the famous Protocols, whoever wrote them, but to speak of a racial conspiracy of Jews is as nugatory as to speak of a conspiracy of termites.
(10. The original occupation of part of Palestine by the Jews is best explained by the Jews' great apologist, Philo Judaeus: when the tribes came to Canaan as enemies of the people they intended to destroy, the stupid Canaanites invited the supposedly godly folk into Canaan, and it was only after the Jews had set up their ghettos and synagogues that they took over the country, doubtless by inciting the Canaanites to destroy themselves in internecine wars. Old Yahweh, it was believed, had so befuddled the minds of the Canaanites that they permitted Jews to enter their country.)
One principle technique of the invaders was described by one of their noted agitators, Apthecker, in a moment of indiscreet candor: they find groups of the inhabitants who can be isolated by something they have in common, e.g., niggers or factory workers or even females, convince them they are oppressed by the rest of the nation, excite their greed and vanity, and thus reduce the nation to a congeries of groups passionately fighting each other and sooner or later resorting to violence that makes the disparate elements irreconcilable. One contingent of the invaders subsidizes and promotes every racially deleterious vice the infected nation can be induced to tolerate. The usurers go to work to fasten economic chains on the hapless people, promoting international wars, civil wars, and every kind of internal discord to make the victims' governments borrow from their domestic enemies, and also vending to individuals baubles and playthings that the feckless purchasers cannot afford and so obtain on usurious terms. Other contingents attack every spot of potential weakness in the national fabric. Many of the invaders, especially in the early stages, become Marranos, professing conversion to whatever is the victims' dominant religion, always squeaking about "human rights," with the mental reservations that, as is said in their Talmud, only Jews are human.
The invaders always create or capture two opposing economic systems, such as Communism and Capitalism, and use one to undermine the other, until the vexed nation falls into the claws of the predators, as when the Soviet regime was established in Russia, financed by Jewish capitalists in the United States and other Western nations. It must be understood, however, that all such systems are merely devices for the subjugation and destruction of nations. They are merely the clothing the invaders choose to wear at a given time, and are as readily changed as coats and ties whenever it seems expedient to adopt a different disguise.
2) Thugs and swindlers, recruited from the criminal elements native to the country, serve as stalking horses and front-men for the invaders and prevent recognition that the subversion is primarily the work of the predatory race. Politicians and similar accomplices are, of course, discarded whenever their usefulness is diminished or they have made serious mistakes.
3) A mass of native dupes of mediocre and less than mediocre intelligence who believe the "ideology" that is used to recruit them is organized. In the modern world, this includes all the real Communists, i.e., persons who actually believe the drivel promulgated by Marx. It may be taken as a firm rule that no believing Marxist ever attains a rank higher than that of a lackey. I have often cited the incisive perception of a young American, Duane Thorin, who, when he was long a prisoner in Korea, studied the professional Communists who tried to brainwash him, and saw that the upper grade of criminals had only contempt for subordinates who were so stupid as to believe in Marxism: "Intellects that failed to see through the falsities of communism were so arrested that they were of only limited use in the totalitarian state." (11) This expendable riff-raff can be kicked out or liquidated if it does not promptly change its faith when given a good hint. But waste no pity on the "intellectual" asses.
(11. A Ride to Panmunjom, Chicago, Regnery, 1956.)
We must keep the tripartite nature of the destroyers in mind, if we are to understand the new fashions in clothing that are now sported by some enemies of our race in Europe. As Douglas Reed remarked, Jews are versipellous, and he was often amused when, on a southbound express going over the Brenner Pass, he saw Jews go to bed as Germans and arise in the morning as Italians. Do not think it matters whether a Yid is now clowning as a Communist, Capitalist, Conservative, Anti-Communist, Nationalist, Evangelist, or in whatever other guise suits his immediate purposes. His fixed purpose never varies.
There is now only one major uncertainty, but it is a great one: Have the stars in the Jews' current extravaganza, Gorby & Bushy, like inept sorcerers, released forces that will get out of control? Certainly the accumulated resentment in all the populations of the Soviet Empire, including even the Russians, is a formidable and potentially explosive power that will effect drastic changes, unless it can speedily be diverted, fragmented, and subdued by our enemies.
Americans who do not mindless venerate their strange god's Chosen are apt to believe that Yahweh's supermen are so superior intellectually that their devices are infallible. That is not necessarily true. It is not impossible that the sudden change of the mise en scene of their world comedy may prove to have been a blunder.
The most optimistic evaluation of the present situation by a responsible writer is the article by John Tyndall in Liberty Bell, June 1990. You have read it, so I shall only comment on the five developments that he regards as likely:
"1. ...The 'melting pot' that is the present United States will dissolve in civil war and chaos, and a new nation will have to be formed...that will correspond to ethnic realities."
This assumes the economic collapse of the society that the boobs have made bankrupt and hopelessly insolvent, so that the anthropoid vermin they have so blithely imported and cherished will turn on them. That is almost inevitable. Whether there is still in the minority of thinking Americans enough manhood and cohesion to wrest from the riotous rabble of aliens, abetted by Aryan dunderheads, a territory for a new nation is a question to which I dare not suggest an answer. If there is not and Europe becomes resurgent, the ravaged territory can again be colonized, perhaps more realistically and successfully.
"2. Africa will...revert to European control." Thanks to the epidemic African Plague ('AIDS'), that is almost certain, if Aryans become again a viable species of mammalian life."3. Japan will be driven from her dominant position...by protective measures against her exports." This is likely in any event, since the Jews will never forgive the Japanese for understanding Jews, as was shown in the large number of books on that unsavory subject published and widely read in Japan.
"4. The European Common Market will disintegrate as a reality..." Certain, unless the several nations of Europe are destroyed.
"5. Zionism, the most powerful single world force,...will decline into one of negligible influence." That is surely a drastic understatement. The hostes generis humani have elected a desperate struggle for all or nothing. They are supremely confident that they now, after twenty centuries, have the hated Aryans by the neck and can exterminate them slowly and with loving care to ensure a maximum of suffering. But if ever they lose their strangle hold, we may well see the glorious future that Marx suggested as sucker-bait, a World Without Jews."
With so much commentary on Mr. Tyndall's admirable article, we may consider the crucial future of Germany. The union of two of the three parts of that dismembered nation is now assured, for all practical purposes, and the native energy of the German people makes it certain that the new Germany will dominate Europe.The partial "reunification" of Germany could serve either of two plans, videlicet:
1) An economic and then political rapprochement between Germany and Russia, thus permitting the formation of a "democratic" coalition of Germany, the Soviet, and Poland and the other satellites to form a union, with the vast resources of German intelligence and technology at its disposal, in opposition to the "United Europe" that is now being contrived.
2) The merging of "democratic" Germany, Russia, and its satellites in the "European Union," in which they would have the preponderant influence and become both subject to the "Western" variety of Judaeo-Communist rule and available for use against that power's North American colonies.
Both plans must be attractive to the planners. The first, while probably assuring the racial integrity of the Soviet states, would make easy the economic ruin of the rest of Europe and its eventual occupation by Soviet forces. The second plan would merge Soviet territories into the "United Europe," with the result that those lands, this far maintained more or less intact racially, would be invaded by all the world's refuse, which would have only to land anywhere in Europe and hasten to defile the still racially virgin lands of the Aryans. This would consummate the reduction of our race to the position predicted in Jean Raspail's Camp of the Saints and its eventual extermination by mongrelization and massacre.
We need not wonder which plan will be chosen by the Chosen, if they are entirely free to choose.
In all of the foregoing we have overlooked one crucial factor. Gorbachev has at his disposal the largest, and despite its inefficiency, the most formidable fighting machine in the world. (12) The Soviet army has been purged of commanders who might not be Gorbachev's enthusiastic tools, (13) and the vast army's store of the most technically advanced weapons, from missiles to aircraft and cannon, is being constantly increased, evidently on a larger scale than ever. The navy is being correspondingly strengthened and equipped for decisive action in any part of the world.
(12. The United States once had a formidable army and navy, but demoralized and discarded it, preferring an uncohesive rabble, honeycombed with females, niggers, mongrels, and punks, commanded by nigger Generals and nigger Admirals, and fit only for victories such as the Bush's treacherous assault on his partners in Panama and the earlier triumphant occupation of a nigger-infested bump in the Caribbean. Any military power the country has left must reside in its nuclear missiles, of which the efficiency is doubtful and which nitwits will constantly strive to sabotage to appease their bulimia for world peace-posh. Even if our missiles are still operable, they are old and obsolete in comparison with any one of the three kinds of vastly more accurate and more powerful missiles that Gorbachev is now manufacturing at an accelerated rate.)
(13. According to the authoritative newsletter of Jane's, the publishers of the world's standard manuals of military information, fifty-nine Soviet officers, from the rank of lieutenant to general, were murdered by the secret police in 1989, and Jane's even suggested that the murders were "ethnic," i.e., a purge of racially loyal Russians.)
According to reports that purport to be "leaks" from reliable intelligence services, but which we have no means of verifying, the Soviets are industriously installing electronic equipment that will make their heartland, Russia, invulnerable to American missiles by 1993, or possibly late in 1992. They will therefore be in a position either to use threats or actually to destroy some unwanted part of this country without fear of reprisal, and thus force an unconditional surrender. Americans, having repudiated all the ethics of war to please the Yids, should know what will follow that surrender.
Obviously, Gorbachev is not a fool and a peace-lubber, and the wishes of dim-witted Americans will not make him one. But his preparations for war will be greatly accelerated by the billions the American boobs will be forced to contribute for "foreign aid" to the "distressed Soviets" and to "stabilize" the glorious new democracy. According to latest reports, the Americans talked five European nations and Japan into endorsing massive aid, both financial and in free agricultural products, to poor, dear Gorby to help him with his "reforms," but the endorsements were probably given to egg on the American idiots to their inevitable bankruptcy and destruction. Those favorite Communist instrumentalities for bleeding Americans, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, will probably do their part. Whom the Jews would destroy, they first make mad.
Anyway, it has been forty-five years since the last major blood-letting of American boobs, and it is time for another, stimulated, of course, by lots of righteousness, as usual.
A good trick would be a war against the Semites in the Near and Middle East, contrived by "poor little" Israel, which would, of course, order its Americans to fight for it, while the Soviet, with its now peerless fighting machine, would support the "Arabs," and crush the Americans, occupying their country and teaching Americans how their German victims felt before they were incinerated by fire-storms, as at Dresden, or done to death by brutality, starvation and exposure, as in the savage Americans' camps for prisoners. (14)
(14. See the letter by Professor Martin Brech in Liberty Bell, July 1990. The authoritative Alliierte Kreigsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit (available from Liberty Bell Publications, $18. postpaid) was compiled shortly before the disgusting farce that preceded the murders committed at Nuremberg in violation of international law and the sense of decency once innate in our race, for which the Americans, the then preponderant military power, must bear the entire gravamen of guilt. (It is now likely that they will condignly suffer for their Jew-inspired crimes against mankind.) The horrifying record is continued in James Bacque's Other Losses ($30. postpaid). The Canadian author, whose work was made possible by two American colonels, seems hostile to the Germans; he had to pretend to believe the Sheenies' Holohoax to avoid persecution by the scoff-law government of Canada.)
There are some indications that war will be the preferred solution, probably after 1993, if the United States has not collapsed in anarchy before that date.
In addition to the swarms that stupid Americans will receive to pollute further the country that once was theirs, swarms of Yahweh's brood are being shipped into Israel (15) to help kick more Palestinians out of their own country and eventually massacre the rest. The increment of Jews is being settled in a way that is an arrogant and derisive defiance of all Moslem states, which are losing the patience they have thus far exercised, and may, in exasperation, try to restrain the Jews and their American serfs, despite the vast arsenal of nuclear weapons the Sheenies accumulated in Israel while bleating about "world peace."
(15. I note in passing that the correct spelling of the trisyllabic word in English is Israël, a derivative of Hebrew YSF'L, traditionally supposed to refer to a tough Jew (Y'QB) who had a fight with Yahweh and almost beat up the old scoundrel, who won the bout by a wrestling trick. Christians, who think such a bar-room fight undignified for their deity, have imagined several nicer meanings of the word, as can be done easily in a language in which only consonants are written. The word may mean (how appropriately!) 'the fierce god.' The regular derivative is Israëlite. If the current and improper trisyllabic pronunciation of Israeli is accepted, that word is written without a diaeresis and the ae that has approximately the value it has in 'Gaelic.')
In January 1989 De Courcy's Special Office Brief (which no longer has the authority of his old Intelligence Digest, but may still have some good sources) (16) reported that Russia and Germany had reached an agreement that Germany, in return for "unification," would not only undertake to remain neutral in any war between the Soviet and the United States, but would immediately arrest and imprison all American military forces now on its territory. This provision would make Germany long for such a war, for, although its present government is a pack of traitors in the employ of the Yids, they know that Germans are becoming restive at the continued presence (at their expense) of a mob of uniformed niggers and drug addicts, who are communicating "AIDS" to German women who, corrupted by American-style "educators," become low-grade whores, willing to copulate even with niggers.
(16. Cf. Liberty Bell, July, September, and October 1986; March 1987.)
The first of the possible plans for Germany I mentioned above would best fit preparations for such a war, if it has been scheduled.
If no such war is scheduled, the alternative plan would seem best to fit the purposes of the hostes generis humani, because it would simultaneously permit:
(a) The final liquidation of Russia and other nations, such as the eastern half of Germany, which have, despite Communism, remained essentially Aryan nations. If they become part of the "United Europe" now being formed, they will share in its fate as it is flooded with millions of pieces of biological garbage from Africa and Asia to put the imbecilic Aryans in the graves they dug for themselves.
Remember that Jewish practice invariably is carried out in two stages: first defile and then destroy. And in the present Communist countries, something has survived that has yet to be destroyed, the race that Yahweh's Yids hate most of all.
(b) The resulting union would first be used to complete the liquidation of the stupid Americans by simple economic and financial pressure. The country is bankrupt and ruined, as is almost openly admitted in the lair of assembled Kikes, traitors, and thieves in the Capitol, as they add trillions to the national deficit, even openly voting themselves more pay for more treason. When the United Sates is admittedly prostrate, the darling "minorities," denied their ever increasing demands, will riot and begin to massacre the White boobs. Since the United States no longer has an army (although that name is applied to an armed rabble which could be used only against Americans), there will be nothing to defend the boobs from the final consequence of their folly. Some, by subservience, may escape liquidation for a time, but only for a time, since the hatreds of which their race is the object are unappeasable.
If what I have just described is what is planned, Europe, for a time and until the Americans have been effectively destroyed, will be a much better place in which to live than the United States, because it will be prosperous, not admittedly impoverished and ruined. It is quite likely that in those circumstances a large proportion of the few Americans who have a modicum of intelligence, have the means to emigrate, and the ingenuity to escape from this country will seek refuge in Europe, a transfer that will be facilitated by the "multi-national" corporations.
It is hard to believe that our rulers would forego the fun of watching a military occupation of the United States comparable to the Soviet occupation of Latvia in 1940, but the objective for which they have worked unremittingly since 1933, the unification of the United States and the Soviet Empire, could be attained less dramatically. Gorby, with the tacit assent of his partner in Washington, is now calling for a "new world order," i.e., "One World" that has been the Jews' lodestar for more than twenty centuries. The drastic "credit squeeze" now in process through the banks, which are now all actually insolvent and directly controlled by the Federal Reserve, will, as planned, result in the bankruptcy of many businesses that are not yet owned by Sheenies, and the burden of taxation, increased by the new requirement to finance Russian expansion, will necessarily result in an economic collapse of unprecedented magnitude.
It will then be easy for Bushy to invoke the famous "executive orders" and declare a "crisis," using his power to confiscate bank accounts and even homes, and, although this is not specifically authorized in the existing orders (which supplant all laws), proclaim the union of the United States with United Europe, with Gorby as President and Bushy himself as Vice President. In a time of total collapse, how many Americans would protest--and be promptly liquidated, either before or after incarceration in Gulags?
It is possible, of course, our enemies have some more subtle plan, but the alternatives I have indicated seem to me at this time the most likely. Neither bodes well for Americans, but they long ago lost interest in their own future.
This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine, published monthly by George P. Dietz from September 1973 to February 1999. For reprint information please write to Liberty Bell Publications, Post Office Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA.
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