by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, December 1987)
I HAVE commented often enough in these pages on the putrefaction of what once were institutions of higher learning in the United States and Europe. I shall here quote two paragraphs from a publication of an organization called Accuracy in Academia, of which the mail address is 1275 K Street, N.W., Washington, District of Corruption.
"At Miami-Dale Community College, one of the largest colleges in the country, (1) we zeroed in on a professor [race unstated] who told his students outrageous lies... He was recorded on tape telling his class that Washington died from pneumonia, caught when he jumped from a bedroom window into a snowbank to escape an irate husband. (2) The professor told the class that Washington would have died of syphilis if he had not contracted pneumonia. When Accuracy in Academia interviewed the professor, he denied making such statements until informed that they had been tape recorded. He then quickly terminated the interview.""At the State University of New York, Farmingdale, (3) a student who dared challenge inaccurate statements by a philosophy professor [race unstated] was thrown out of the class and was subsequently arrested by campus security officers for standing up for his rights. A court ordered the university to readmit him, and Accuracy in Academia raised funds to pay the legal costs of his defense against the outrageous charges lodged against him."
(1. Number of students unknown; they are doubtless included in the count of 40,228 anthropoids that the spineless taxpayers maintain in this cancerous growth, with which they stupidly permitted the state of Florida to be infected in 1960. There are 1,594 persons on the faculty payroll; there may be some learned men among them, cowed and pitiable.)
(2. A variant of the even filthier lie invented or repeated by Arnold Toynbee, on which I commented in April 1984, p. 3.)
(3. This is a state agricultural college which swelled up into a "university" when the taxpayers of the state of New York started scattering universities over the landscape. Its faculty now numbers 1,252, and the body-count is 13,076.)
In the second quotation, I have italicized the clause that shows the rottenness of the whole institution and precludes the racketeers who run it from claiming, as they would doubtless like to do, that they unknowingly harbored an arrant liar in their "faculty."
When Hercules was given the seemingly impossible task of "mucking out" the stables King Augeas had neglected for years, he diverted two rivers and let their torrents wash away the mounds of accumulated filth. I do not know where the directors of Accuracy in Academia can find rivers big enough for the task they have assumed, but I wish them luck.
This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine, published monthly by George P. Dietz from September 1973 to February 1999. For reprint information please write to Liberty Bell Publications, Post Office Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA.
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