by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, September 1988)
A PAMPHLET that reprints an article that appeared in the American Atheist in May 1982, records a political phenomenon, typical of our languishing nation, which may be little known today and certainly deserves attention.
The article is unfortunately so organized that judicious readers who are pressed for time are likely to discard it after reading the first five or six of the twenty-nine pages. It begins with the text of a petition to the Federal Communications Comission submitted by two men (race unstated) who evidently wanted to peddle some noxious superstition they thought was non-Christian but was probably just another Christian heresy (1), and were envious of the virtual monopoly of radio broadcasting enjoyed by the more orthodox Christian dervishes. They accordingly put together a plausible and well-reasoned argument for a limitation of "religious broadcasting" to prevent the Christians from having a total monopoly in some areas. They obviously wanted to make room for the competing buncombe they intended to promote.
(1. As I have often remarked, over the past fifteen centuries the mentality of our race was so infected and permeated by the spiritual poison of Christianity that the superstition has left a deadly residue in many minds that imagine they have freed themselves from it. Many ostentatiously anti-Christian religions, such as Marxism, are really merely reformed cults that retain the essentials of the religion they reject. For example, whenever you hear bleating about 'minorities' or squawks about 'racism,' you may be sure that they come from either Christians or persons whose minds are unwittingly controlled by a residue of Christian faith. Ironically but obviously, this includes many professed atheists. Of course, there are also Communist agents who are cynically availing themselves of a convenient disguise to promote the substance of Christianity while seeming to oppose it.)
The petition is worse than trash, however. Its authors brazenly allege that the Christian radio stations promulgate "a comfortable, blond, Aryan view of Godhead." It is impossible to determine whether the two men, obviously of some eminently dispensable racial stock and said to have been young, were so stupid as to believe what they said or were so dishonest as to make the allegation to enlist support in a government which is surreptitiously working to liquidate the Aryans in this country, believing them to be an obstacle to realization of the great American dream of making the land between the Atlantic and the Pacific a fetid jungle, infested by half a billion or a billion of diseased and mindless mongrels, who will live as happily as did the rats in old Hamelin. (2)
(2. It is a discouraging but significant fact that many individuals who believe the tales in the Jew-Book to be records of actual happenings disbelieve the story of the rats that overran Hamelin and the coming of the Pied Piper, dismissing it as a folk-tale, although it is certainly as plausible and credible as the stories they believe. The reason for this discrepancy, of course, is that no set of witch-doctors have thought it profitable to promote the morally superior legend about the city in Saxony.)
At that point (p.5), the pamphlet will go into many waste-paper baskets, as it would have gone into mine, had it not been sent me by a friend in whose judgement I have great confidence.
It is not until one reaches page 14 that the purpose of the long and misleading introduction becomes apparent. The quoted petition, filed in December 1974, seems to have been the origin of a canard that Mrs. Madalyn O'Hair had presented a petition with 27,000 signatures demanding the prohibition of religious broadcasting.
Now, to be scrupulously fair, we must concede that, first, this is what Mrs. O'Hair might have done, if she had had so numerous a following in 1974, and, second, that such a petition would have been entirely reasonable and proper, although it had implications that would have excluded all huckstering from radio broadcasts -- which would have been a boon in itself. Therefore, since professional soul-savers have less regard for facts than do high-powered salesmen of fraudulent securities and "great investment opportunities," it is entirely possible that some of the holy men who began a frantic agitation did actually believe that Mrs. O'Hair had presented such a petition. They, by professional habit that has become an automatic reflex, sound off whenever an opening presents itself. (3) But granting that the agitation may have been begun with only a professional disinterest in truth, we may be certain that most of the saintly rabble-rousers who carried it on in subsequent years were cynically exploiting an opportunity to show the world how many biped sheep they had in the flocks they were constantly shearing.
(3. I witnessed an amusing instance of such automatic reaction in my youth, when I attended a party given by a man whose father, a quite well-known minister in a distant state, was paying him an unexpected visit. The host used a very reliable bootlegger and the party became cheerful. I do not remember whether the old man joined in the alcoholic sinning, but he dozed off in his chair and slept for some time. Awakening and hearing some words in the discussion in progress, he leapt up and began to orate about "social justice" and Jesus, speaking, as was evidently his habit in the pulpit, with his eyes as closed as his mind. He ranted for two or three minutes before he opened his eyes, lowered them from the ceiling, and saw where he was.)
What followed will, I think, amaze, and, I hope, impress most of my readers. Within six months, the Federal Communications Commission received 750,000 letters demanding that the Commission reject the petition Mrs. O'Hair had not submitted. This is said to have been so much more mail than the Commission had ever before received about any issue that it was naturally overwhelmed. But that was merely the beginning of the uproar that was orchestrated by virtually all the fakirs in the highly lucrative Jesus-business. Every con man who was fleecing suckers by scaring them with Jewish ghost-stories saw a wonderful opportunity to promote his racket and consolidate his power as shepherd of the flock he set to bleating.
The result, described in detail in the pamphlet, should send cold shivers down your back. Despite attempts by the Commission to explain that it had never received a petition from Mrs. O'Hair and had rejected the one submitted by the young men who wanted to peddle their own brand of hokum, the boobs were kept agog for eight or more years, during which they wasted enormous amounts of ink, paper, postage stamps, and the time of the employees the Commission had to hire to open the letters and answer the continually ringing telephones.
The racketeers improved their lies. One holy man solemnly swore that Mrs. O'Hair had submitted such a petition. The medicine-men never hesitate at perjury: old Yahweh, if he exists, certainly loves liars and swindlers: he made a race of them his Chosen. Others propagated the story that Mrs. O'Hair had [herself!] introduced a bill in Congress to "outlaw religious broadcasting." The jackasses composing the Senate of the State of Illinois passed a resolution condemning Mrs. O'Hair for the petition she had never submitted. (4) Politicians, like fakirs, live by bamboozling boobs, so quite a few of them sounded their fog horns to obtund the ears of their victims, especially after their offices were jammed with letters from half-wits who can vote.
(4. Such phenomena, normal in a "democracy," are not confined to the United States. In the 1920s the Camelots du Roi in France enjoyed sporting with the ignorance of a score or more of the "democratic" pickpockets who had been elected to that nation's Chambre des Députés. Approached by supposed "leftists," the sapient legislators signed and published a resolution that condemned the United States for denying civil rights to the inhabitants of Nicaragua, the only one of the eighteen states of the Union that was denied equality with the rest.)
By May 1978, the Commission was receiving 13,000 letters a day, and the total had reached 6,500,000. No one ever estimated the amount of waste paper sent to members of Congress, but there must have been a comparable quantity of it. Some statistician computed that cost of postage stamps alone, when the postage was less than half the present rate, was $1,650,000.
The howling dervishes were delighted with the din they were making and especially with the demonstration of their power over the vast herds of cattle that were bellowing at their command. Women's Clubs plied their pens. Moppets in the schools were set to writing, or signing, letters about something they could not understand. By 1980, envelopes containing such dirty paper were delivered to the Commission at the rate of a hundred thousand each week, and five employees were needed for the task of opening letters on the illusory subject, while eight were needed to answer telephone calls about it.
By the time the article was sent to press in May 1982, the Commission had received 13,000,000 letters, and some of them, counted as single letters, were petitions bearing as many as 30,000 signatures. Many of the letters and signatures were, of course, forgeries, as is normal in godly work. (5) It is reasonable to suppose that another twelve or thirteen million letters were divided among the members of Congress.
(5. I remember that more than thirty years ago I was consulted by a lady -- I never use that word as merely an euphemism for 'woman' -- the wife of a prosperous farmer, who had been enlisted by the promoters of a great "Christian Conservative" movement. She discovered that she was to serve as a member of a band of patriotically pious women who were forging signatures to electoral petitions, and were using a fairly clever technique for making them seem authentic at first glance. The lady, more honest than most of her politically active sex, was perplexed. She was told "that's the way one has to do things in a 'democracy.'" That was true enough, but did not satisfy her, for reasons which ladies can understand but will mystify gynaecic do-gooders. It is not a coincidence that the most notorious work of forging ballots recently discovered was done by a well-known federation of high-minded females, who were sniveling over the "underprivileged." Kipling was not the first to remark that the female of our species is more deadly than the male. See the Ecclesiazusae of Aristophanes.)
I do not know how long after May 1982 the evangelical spook-salesmen continued to agitate their hordes of mutton-heads, so I cannot estimate how many more letters were received by the Commission after May 1982. I hope, however, that you will ponder the incomplete record above, and will remember it the next time you are asked to give money "to awaken the people" and "field a winning candidate."
I have no doubt but that a slowly increasing number of Americans are beginning to regret that they gave their country away. Had they done the regretting fifty years ago and been sufficiently resolute then, they probably could have recaptured the United States by legal means in a series of local, state, and federal elections. But now they are living in an ochlocracy (which the boobs are taught to call a "democracy") (6) of their own making. They are helpless now and will remain helpless for a long time. Optimists like Harold Covington, as he, a Xenophon writing before the fact, explains in his Anabasis (7), believe that their chance will come eventually and before they have been liquidated and their surviving progeny absorbed in a mass of moronic mongrels. I shall not presume to predict.
(6. In a true democracy -- rule by the demos -- the franchise would always have been strictly limited to members of the Aryan race and should have been further limited by property-qualifications (as the framers of the Constitution intended) and provisions for admitting to citizenship metics of the right race only after verification of their compatibility with the Americans then controlling the country.)(7. The March Up Country, Liberty Bell Publications, 1987; $6.00 + postage. It should be remembered that the author of this incisive commentary on what is now politically feasible, is a man who has had very extensive experience in the actual work of organizing resistance to the occupation. Crede experto.)
[Dr. Oliver later changed his view of Harold Covington, after a series of unfounded attacks by Covington on several racialist leaders. In letters to me in 1992 and 1993, Dr. Oliver stated:
"One of Covington's former associates in Rhodesia wrote him, a month or so ago, a letter advising him to write fiction, for which he has some talent, as fiction. He says that Covington is an alcoholic and even in Rhodesia was given to wild ideas when the spirit moved him. (The spiritus frumenti, of course).Since that time, Dr. Oliver's predictions have come true. One patriot defamed by Covington, Will Williams, obtained a $110,000 judgment for damages against him after Covington falsely alleged, among other things, that Williams was "John Doe Number Two," a putative co-conspirator with Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City Bombing. Covington fled the state of North Carolina to avoid payment, and now publishes forgeries and defamatory material from Texas. -- K. A. S.]"If my palsied memory serves me, Covington's feud with Ben Klassen began after he returned to this country from England and perhaps after he wrote a rather good book to prove the futility of patriotic organizations. He founded one of the "Confederate Army" type of organizations, using the usual Jesus-bait, and some of his recruits became atheists and deserted to join the Church of the Creator.
"Now for another matter. I enclose a photocopy of my typescript of a "Postscript" that is in type by this time, but of which I have not received proofs, so there is still time to make alterations. I intend it to be, quite indirectly, a kind of rejection of Covington's obloquies....
"Covington is evidently trying to avenge his own failures. I would suppose that no one would pay attention to such garbage, did I not remember how applicable is the Mediaeval aphorism, Quam parva sapientia mundus regitur! (The persons who used the phrase did not know enough Latin to realize that what they were saying was that their god was a fool! They used mundus in the sense of French le monde, i.e., human society.)...
"Covington will do some damage, for he is rather clever, as shown by the material with which he surrounded his attack on the Alliance in this latest issue of his sheet, and there is no way to stop him. He will eventually hang himself....
"I shall try to refute Covington's allegations without mentioning his name but in a way that will suffice for any reader of Liberty Bell who may have received his slop. I can assure you that Mr. Dietz has no wish to see the National Alliance undermined, and would certainly publish nothing that tended in that direction."
Mrs. O'Hair believes that the amazing outbreak of Christian fanaticism, engineered by howling dervishes, many of whom may be too stupid or greedy to glimpse the ultimate purpose for which they are being used, is part of a concerted drive to incite a New Dark Ages (8), permanently to establish a fanatically fantastic religion, destroy rationality in the minority capable of coherent thought, and thus to impose the total slavery of all mankind predicted by George Orwell in his 1984. This is a question to which I shall return later.
(8. Needless to say, the coming age will have nothing to do with the New Middle Ages romantically envisaged and predicted by Ralph Adams Cram in his well-known book of that title, nor yet with the Nouveau Moyen-Age of Berdyaev's alembicated mysticism.)
This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine, published monthly by George P. Dietz from September 1973 to February 1999. For reprint information please write to Liberty Bell Publications, Post Office Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA.
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