by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, May 1988)
I HAVE RECEIVED from an American Classical scholar a letter in the course of which he says: "At first it seemed incredible to me that the quotation from Toynbee that you adduced in a recent article [July 1987, p. 8; the quotation may also be found at the head of the very important article by Ivor Benson in the issue for April 1988] could really be accurate, but I verified that it does indeed appear on p. 809 of "The Trend of International Affairs since the War," International Affairs, Vol. X, No. 6 (November 1931), 803-826, wherein he allows that after 'this mysterious force called sovereignty' has been extirpated, 'the 50 or 60 local states of the world will no doubt survive as administrative conveniences.' "
The quotation in question was one in which Toynbee, addressing his fellow conspirators, admitted that he and they were engaged in a covert conspiracy against Great Britain and all the civilized nations to which the other members of the gang belonged, and he boasted of the hypocrisy with which they were deluding their victims. It deserves repetition at a time when the United States is becoming an "administrative convenience" in the Jews' One World:
"We are at present working discreetly, but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of the world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands." (My emphasis.)
Seldom has a pack of sneaking traitors been so indiscreet as to put on paper a description of the insidious conspiracy in which they were secretly engaged, let alone publish it, even if only in an obscure journal usually filled with such pretentious drivel that men of sense wasted no time on it. For the egregious folly of putting such things on paper, one could adduce the famous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as a parallel, if they were indeed written out by the Jews whose activity they so accurately describe, although there is the significant difference that the latter describe treachery, but not treason.I did not know of Toynbee's confession of conspiracy at the time that I commented on his elaborate and learned Study of History in an article that is reprinted in America's Decline, pp. 202-211. That article, however, evoked a protest from one Ludwig von Mises, a scholar of uncertain race, who was at that time a Great Cham of "Conservatism," since he had formulated some economic doctrines which, though needlessly complicated and alembicated, were sound, if one took them with a preliminary understanding that economics are an epiphenomenal function of a society that must be based on the foundations of nationality and race.
Von Mises, in a letter published in American Opinion, September 1963, p. 78, thought it an outrage that I had been unkind to Toynbee and, what was worse, had pointed out that during the First World War Lord Bryce had operated a lie factory in which expert liars, such as Toynbee, manufactured stories of German "atrocities" to pep up the herds of cattle who were being democratically driven onto the battlefields. That historical fact should have been suppressed, according to Von Mises, because Professor James Bryce, who was eventually elevated to the peerage as a Viscount, was a writer "whom political scientists and historians of law consider as one of the outstanding authors of the 19th and early 20th centuries."
The eminent "Conservative Economist" was even more outraged by an article by my esteemed colleague, Westbrook Pegler, entitled "Zangara Missed," in which Mr. Pegler discussed what would probably have happened, if Zangara had succeeded in killing the foul and diseased creature named Franklin Roosevelt, with the result that an American politican, Garner, would have become President. Von Mises may have been appalled by the thought of how many Americans would not have been killed in a war in which they fought against their own race and civilization.
As I have said, when I wrote my trenchant critique of Toynbee's Study of History, I did not know of his much earlier confession of conspiracy and treason. Now I wonder whether Ludvig von Mises did.
This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine, published monthly by George P. Dietz from September 1973 to February 1999. For reprint information please write to Liberty Bell Publications, Post Office Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA.
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