The Writings of Revilo P Oliver 1908-1994


by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, January 1988)

IN THE SUMMER OF 1914, John Buchan, who later became Baron Tweedsmuir and was Governor General of Canada from 1935 to his death in 1940, sat down to write another novel of adventure, more or less in the manner of Stevenson's Kidnapped, which was one of his models.

In that feverish summer, intelligent and perspicacious Europeans were tense with apprehensions of coming disaster. Ostensibly, Europe was at peace and in the full tide of economic and cultural prosperity, and all but a few Europeans were taken by surprise when the First World War was precipitated in August as a consequence of the assassination at Sarajevo of the Austrian Archduke, Francis Ferdinand, and his wife, the Duchess Sophie, by a "Serbian patriot" with the complicity of the Serbian government. (It was not known until years later that the "patriot," who was given asylum by the infatuated Serbs, was really a disguised Jew; cf. the article by Captain McKilliam in Liberty Bell, July 1986, pp. 22f.) It is true that Winston Churchill, a half-English politician who was First Lord of the Admiralty, had known in 1912 that Great Britain would be at war with Germany in the autumn of 1914, but that portentous secret, naturally, was known to only a very, very few members of the inmost circle of the inner conclave of government. Sagacious observers, such as John Buchan, had no means of knowing such arcane secrets, but penetrating minds deduced from events that the course of history was being determined by some occult and malevolent force that was sedulously hidden from the European public.

Buchan made his own analysis, reaching approximately the same conclusions as other perspicacious observers, and when he decided to make his novel, which he eventually entitled The Thirty-Nine Steps, an exciting story of international intrigue, he began the story with a man who has discovered the force that was really manipulating the world. Here is his description of the international situation in the summer of 1914:

Away behind all the governments and armies there was a big subterranean movement going on, engineered by very dangerous people.... Most of the people in it were the sort of anarchists that make revolutions, but beside them there were financiers who were playing for money.... The aim of the whole conspiracy was to get Russia and Germany at loggerheads.

The anarchist lot thought it would give them their chance. Everything would be in the melting-pot, and they looked to see a new world emerge. The capitalists would rake in the shekels, and make fortunes by buying up wreckage.

Capital...had no conscience and no fatherland; besides the Jew was behind it, and the Jews hated Russia worse than hell...

The Jew is everywhere, but you have to go far down the back stairs to find him.

Take any big Teutonic business concern. If you have dealings with it the first man you meet is Prince von und zu Something, an elegant young man who talks Eton-and-Harrow English. But he cuts no ice. If your business is big, you get behind him and find a prognathous Westphalian with a retreatinng brow and the manners of a hog.

He is the German business man that gives your English papers the shakes. But if you are on the biggest kind of job and are bound to get to the real boss, ten to one you are brought up against a little, white-faced Jew in a bathchair, with an eye like a rattlesnake... He is the man who is ruling the world just now, and he has his knife in the empire of the Tzar.

This analysis of the international situation in May 1914, almost two months before the assassination at Sarajevo, may have astonished you by its substantial accuracy. You may not have realized that what is so obvious today was already apparent in 1914 and could be said in a novel without exciting wonder: the control of the world by the Jews, a race of international parasites, and their satellites, the lords of international finance, who, if not Jews themselves, are pirates who are incapable of loyalty to any nation or to their own race or even to followers and associates who have served them loyally. And the conspiracy naturally employs as tools the half-educated witlings who think themselves intellectual because they have childish notions about creating "a better world" with "social justice" and "equality."

About the only important thing that Buchan missed, or did not put on paper, was the Jews' real animus against Czarist Russia, which he attributed in large part to the pogroms, of which wildly exaggerated reports had long been promulgated by sensation-mongering newspapers.

It is true that the Jews particularly hated the Russian Empire because their depredations were, despite the protection and privileges given them by the Czarist government, limited by the peasants' occasionally violent resentment of their insatiably avaricious parasites. (Cf. the article by Mme. Ragosin reprinted in Liberty Bell, June 1985, available separately, to which any historian can add a circumstantial account of the Czarist government's leniency to its domestic enemies.) More important, however, was the Jews' perception that Russia was internally the most vulnerable of the European powers and had been made more vulnerable by "Pan-Slavic" propaganda. Serbia could thus be used as a detonator to start a European war in which England would attack her natural ally, Germany, and ally herself with her natural enemy, Russia -- in a war that would ineluctably be calamitous and begin the ruin of Europe and Western Civilization.

I am sure, however, that what I have quoted from The Thirty-Nine Steps will have startled reflective readers, if they have not read Buchan's now almost forgotten novel and have perpended the date of writing. Their reservations are correct.

Buchan finished his novel early in 1915, when the World War was already under way, and British writers had been mobilized for the task of "aiding the war effort" by inciting in their readers a frenzy of hatred directed against the Germans and supporting the vicious lies about atrocities manufactured for the press. Since Buchan's autobiography, Memory Hold-the-Door (1940), gives no explanation, we are at liberty to conjecture tentatively that he had outlined his plot and perhaps completed the first draft, including the final scene that explains the title, before the war began, when he had either to discard or drastically revise a novel that could no longer be published. As almost any professional writer would have done, he chose the latter course, beginning with his Chapter IV.

In that chapter his hero, by decoding an enciphered record, discovers that the analysis in Chapter I is incomplete and partly misleading. The real conspiracy is a vile plot by the diabolic Germans to take England off her guard and capture the island by a surprise invasion. Churchill is praised and we are even told the German plot was formed in 1912. And later we discover that the Jews were unjustly accused in Chapter I. Now all this makes the plot of the novel brittle and it cracks when read by a logical mind.

If the abominable conspirators are Germans, the hero, instead of fleeing from the agents of a clandestine force in which the British government would refuse to believe, would have had only to transmit the document with its disclosure of the Germans' secret plan to Churchill or any other member of the group within the government who were known to be hoping for an opportunity to attack Germany. There were, furthermore, several groups of vocal and influential Englishmen, including some Peers, who had for years been orating in public about the "German menace," and who would have welcomed Buchan's hero with cries of joy and had the power to protect him. Even the notion of a German plot to invade England by surprise had become almost commonplace, having been elaborated in several works of fiction, notably The Riddle of the Sands, by a Jew who called himself Erskine Childers. It had sold widely when it was published in 1903. The situation in which Buchan put his hero in the revised version was simply preposterous. And the scene in which an agent of the British Secret Service is assassinated to prevent him from disclosing the secret becomes absurd, if one thinks about what it implies. But for people who read fiction without thinking, the perils of the hero make exciting a dose of propaganda that must have pleased Lord Bryce and his corps of expert liars.

Buchan's novel was published serially in the most venerable of Britain's magazines of fiction, Blackwoods', and in this country in the most widely circulated periodical, The Saturday Evening Post. Great Britain was already lousy with Jews, many of them masquerading as Englishmen, and the versipellous race had planted its trained stooge in the White House in this country and was busily extending its clandestine power. The men with rattlesnake eyes were content. They were happily busy, engineering the ruin of our culture and civilization, and they were sure that in a few more decades they could appease their insatiable hatred of Aryans in a real Purim.

* * *

How the basilisks have poisoned the atmosphere and the minds of their victims! Their principal agents, of course, were the scabrous traitors who drove the vast herds of crazed Aryan cattle from Britain and the United States into a suicidal Holy War against Germany, an insane jihad which served at the same time to defile, degrade, and demoralize all the nations of our race. That was the turning point, the fatal sabotage of our culture and mentality.

As late as the summer of 1941, the Atlantic Monthly, then a still respected magazine for literates and edited by White men, published a long article by Albert Jay Nock, in which he proved that the Jews are an Oriental race that is incompatible with ours. He was not punished and the magazine was not destroyed, strange and almost incredible as that seems today. Not long before that time, I discussed, before an academic audience, the scope of Anatole France's L'Anneau d'Améthyste, and I gave an objective account of what we now know or can confidently surmise about the Dreyfus affair -- essentially what I have summarized in the long footnote that begins on p. 19 of America's Decline. I necessarily gave a succinct description of the devious intrigues and lying propaganda by which the Jews converted a simple question of fact, honestly and perhaps correctly decided by a conscientious military tribunal, into a frenzied turmoil of poisonous agitation to sunder, corrupt, and demoralize the French nation and thus to augment their control over it.

I spoke calmly of matters of ascertained fact and logical deductions therefrom, and since I spoke in French, I shall not quote myself here, but I assure you that what I then said would seem today a violently anti-Jewish polemic. At the time, the academic audience did not question my treatment of the Dreyfus affair, and there was no slightest objection to my description of the Jews' flagrantly dishonest manipulation of public opinion, although there was some debate about Anatole France's motives for his strange conversion from a genial and urbane sceptic into an acrimonious dogmatist on a subject which, by its very nature, precludes certainty. (1) And there was some controversy among members of the audience over a question on which I had refused to express an opinion, the extent to which Anatole France had weakly or lasciviously succumbed to pressure from his mistress, who was at that time a Jewess.

(1. Perversely propagandistic as it is, L'Anneau d'Améthyste is still a work that shows genius, but it marks the beginning of a slow decline that culminated in the sadly farcical scenes in which the agèd Anatole France, corseted and with rouged cheeks, descended from his luxurious limousine and, leaning on the arm of his chauffeur, harangued, in a shrilly cracked voice, groups of idle Parisian workers on the need to establish a proletarian state and abolish "privilege.")


When I spoke, in what seems a long bygone era, scholars in the audience simply took it for granted that history is an objective and unemotional determination of facts and probabilities. If the same discussion of Anatole France were, by some extraordinary chance, begun in the halls of learning today, the timorous little scholars of the present would rush in panic out of the door or leap from the windows. They know only too well what happens to Aryan dogs who do not pretend that history is whatever Jews say it is. They have learned to hobble their minds so completely that they can affirm without blushing that they believe even the patently preposterous Holohoax. (2) And whenever God's frowzy viceregents on earth give them a hint, they will swear on their honor that Jonah took a cruise on the Mediterranean in a whale's belly, just as it says in the Jew-Book, which it would be criminal to doubt. (That will also please the Christian fakirs, for, as you know, old Jesus himself vouched for the truth of the Jonah-story: Matth. 12, 39-40; 16,4. Luc. 11, 29-30.)

(2. I owe the perfectly descriptive term "Holohoax" to Professor James J. Martin, the author, most recently, of The Man Who Invented 'Genocide' (Torrance, California, Institute for Historical Review, 1984). It is a detailed and documented study of the career of the Sheeny, Raphael Lemkin, who devised the word that gave rise to the phony "Genocide Treaty," recently made law by the Senate of the United States, now owned by the Jews. This will be the official pretext for the Jewish Terror that will be clamped down on the American boobs, who may eventually regret that they gave their country and themselves to the Masters of Deceit.)


The decay of our culture since 1941 can be measured by the fact that academic historians today are no longer interested in historical truth or interested in it only marginally; what really interests them is jobs. (3) They match the anthropologists and geneticists who, with practiced effrontery, can say that all races are equal and there is no difference between them. There are now 'scientists' who boast they are so versatile they can prove anything, for a suitable fee, while others abuse spectroscopes to prove that a painted rag is a 'Holy Shroud,' or use quantum mechanics to prove that the old Jew-god converted mud into Adam. 'Truth' is whatever pays the most. The academicians have conformed to what is now the American ethic.

(3. That, of course, is why, as Professor Arthur Butz, the courageous author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, (Richmond, Surrey, Historical Review Press, 1976; available from Liberty Bell Publications), wryly remarks, "it remained for a Professor of Electrical Engineering to do the work of American historians for them." The German translation, Der Jahrhundert-Betrug, has been suppressed by the shabby pack of traitors who now govern and afflict Germany on behalf of the predatory race that has, since its origins, been united by its implacable hatred of all civilized races and especially of Semites and Aryans. I shall not try to predict how long it will be before it will be a criminal offense in the United States to possess a copy of a book that has not been approved by the world's triumphant hate-mongers.)


Whether any nation so decadent and depraved can or should survive is a question I am unwilling to consider.

This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine, published monthly by George P. Dietz from September 1973 to February 1999. For reprint information please write to Liberty Bell Publications, Post Office Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA.

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