The Writings of Revilo P Oliver 1908-1994

Dr. Revilo Oliver continues with part 2 of When We Were Sane

(Liberty Bell, January 1992)

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. . . I have known several men who became, by heredity, so addicted to alcohol that they were notorious alcoholics. Some had the will-power to break their addiction when it became obviously injurious; some did not, including the most brilliant, who had known what tendency he had inherited and foreseen the probably inevitable results of beginning to drink spirituous liquors. That was deplorable, but he might also have inherited a cardiac weakness or a susceptibility to cancer that would likewise have condemned him to a premature death. A friend of mine would have been considered an alcoholic, had it been generally known that he needed a fifth of the best bourbon every day when he was engaged in intensive intellectual work, but when idle and at leisure he was not at all dependent on bottled stimulus.

Everyone knows instances of addiction to drugs that has unfortunate results. A friend of mine knows a business man who had a well established and prosperous local business until he became addicted to the use of cocaine. Now the business is on the verge of bankruptcy and the man himself will probably be convicted of murderous assault with a knife on a chance acquaintance 12. You doubtless know of many similar instances.

We must, as rational men, ignore all of the hysteria aroused to promote Bushy's fake "war on drugs," which is designed, first, to destroy the few remaining legal provisions that should protect Americans from total servitude and to place them entirely at the mercy of Federal terrorists, and second, to aid the major merchants in the narcotic-drug industry, including "our" C.I.A. 13, many politicians in high office 14, and, according to reports published from time to time in The Spotlight, Bushy himself, by suppressing unauthorized competition from independent dealers and cut-rate producers.

There are two basic facts that we must recognize.

Almost all of the transport and vending of cocaine, heroin, etc. (as distinct from the financiers and directors of the wholesale business) is performed by members of the sacrosanct "minorities," i.e., our racial enemies, most of them imported into the United States by the international conspiracy described by Ivor Benson in the October issue of Liberty Bell. A very large proportion of those drugs are purchased by the same biological trash. There is no point in talking about this major part of the present "drug problem" so long as Americans elect to live in a garbage dump. If, by some miraculous interposition, the Americans should someday decide to clean house, the problem would disappear. If they do not, they will prove that the boobus Americanus is not a viable species of animal life, and again the problem will be nugatory. It need not, therefore, concern us here.

Our only legitimate interest is in members of our own race.

We must begin by sharply distinguishing natural drugs, principally cocaine, opium, morphine, and cannabis (hashish, marijuana) 15, of which the effects have long been generally known and should be anticipated by anyone who uses them, and the thousands of synthetic drugs now in use, of which the total effects are unknown even to the experts who have pronounced them "safe" on the supposition that men and mice are physiologically equal, which are generally and often recklessly administered by physicians and psychiatrists to trusting patients who are usually not informed of even the expected effects and have no real chance to decide for themselves whether they want the medication with the risks it may involve. Some of these synthetic drugs (e.g., lysergic acid diethylamide) are also sold clandestinely to gullible customers or surreptitiously given to persons whom it is wished to destroy. We are now talking only about the natural and well-known drugs.

When the effects of a drug are common knowledge, use of it in a free society should depend only on the decision of each individual. If, unlike modern Americans, we value personal liberty, either as a matter of racial principle or as a biologically salubrious method for improvement of the race, we should observe with drugs, as with other articles of commerce, the rule that the purchaser must decide for himself whether he wants the article and can afford the price.

Intelligent persons should know what they are doing when they purchase the drug. They may, of course, be mistaken about themselves or have inherited some mentally crippling genetic deficiency, and there will undoubtedly be persons in whom the results of their freedom of choice will be pathetic for themselves or for persons near to them, just as it now is in the case of alcohol. But that, however much it may make sentimentalists jabber and sob, is precisely what a rational society should not only permit but want.

We live in a universe in which all organic life is a rare and utterly insignificant epiphenomenon, meaningless on the scale of the majestic and eternal movements of stars and galaxies. It is only to the animals it has produced that organic life has any importance, but it is the whole of life to them.

We organisms live in a hostile world. The meanest bug lives (unconsciously, we assume) in constant fear of predators, and scuttles for safety when it senses danger. Birds, those tiny and pretty descendants of minuscule dinosaurs, live only by constant vigilance, and even so domesticated and stupefied creatures as chickens will be thrown into panic by the shadow of a hawk flying high above them. The rabbit survives because he is perpetually afraid and flees at the first suspicion of hostile intent. Wolves explore a region cautiously before attacking their prey. The human genus is not at all different, except that it has by intelligence obtained the ability to destroy most of its non-human enemies, and is menaced chiefly by predators of its own genus, often of the same species 16.

There is only one supreme law of life: the survival of the fittest, with its corollary, the extermination (or, through a hazardous compassion, subjugation) of the unfit. The Athenian envoys at Melos stated an obvious truth:

"Of the gods we believe, and of men we know, that the strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must."

The only possible error in that dictum will come from incorrect estimates of strength.

The survival of all species depends on success in eluding or resisting their active or potential enemies, for practical purposes, almost all other species. The lower species, such as rats and rabbits, survive and in favorable circumstances advance their species by being enormously prolific, breeding at an amazing rate 17. (This is also true of the lower species of human animals 18.) The higher species rely on cunning and strength. Most of them further ensure their survival by forming associations for mutual protection: herds, packs, bands, tribes.

Baboons, who are more intelligent than apes, have evinced an amazing capacity for survival by forming bands governed by an oligarchy of old and experienced males, who, like true aristocrats, sacrifice themselves when necessary to ensure the survival of their subjects. Among apes, the orang-outang are thorough-going individualists, meeting others of their species only for seasonal copulation, and they flourished in territory that permitted their survival. Among the early species of proto-human anthropoids, some species, such as the 'Proconsul' and the Gigantopithecus, probably followed the 'life-style' of the orang-outang in less favorable territory and became extinct. The anthropoids (including, almost certainly, the Australopithecus) that eventually evolved into the Homo erectus and several species of Homo habilis that were ancestors of the corresponding species now called human 19, lived and hunted in packs or bands and thus, by making protection the common responsibility of all, flourished and constantly expanded the territory of their respective species.

Mammals (including men) that survive by forming groups must nevertheless prevent deterioration of the individual members of the herd. There is always some attrition, some loss of progeny, by accident or what we may call thoughtlessness. One of the most pathetic incidents in nature -- pathetic to Aryans, to whose racial sense of compassion it should be more moving than niggers starving in Ethiopia -- is sometimes seen among the larger species of deer. A young doe, in oestrus for the first time, rashly presents herself to the old monarch of the herd, and when he covers her, her young legs break beneath his weight, and she is left, helpless, to bemoan her first sexual pleasure until she starves or a predator eats her or an Aryan mercifully puts a bullet in her head 20. Some children, even children of parents who do not evade their responsibility, will always ingeniously find ways venturesomely to destroy themselves, and nothing can be done about that, although "do-gooders" are always plotting legislation, having learned nothing from the well-known fairy tale about the king who tried to prevent his daughter from becoming Sleeping Beauty by destroying all the spindles in his kingdom.

Quite different is the biological necessity of preventing deterioration of the species through the blunder of preserving degenerate offspring. A wolf bitch will fight to the death to protect her pups, but she will also herself destroy one of her few offspring if she senses that it is in some way inferior. The fearsome complexity of human genetics ensures the birth, in every social and ethnic class, of children who are irremediably defective. A rational society will destroy at birth children that are misshapen or maimed or psychically degenerate. It is sheer idiocy, example, anxiously to preserve the life of a Mongoloid idiot to afflict its hapless parents and be a burden on society for a lifetime, wasting not only money and the time of many persons who would otherwise perform useful tasks, but constantly blighting the lives of the unfortunate man and woman who inadvertently brought it into being.

The preservation of a race depends on maintaining the quality of the individuals in it, and especially on preventing the inferior from perpetuating their inferiority by producing progeny.

While a wealthy society can, as a luxury, indulge the storgê, the amiable weakness of mothers, who wish the preservation of even an hopelessly inferior child 21, the society cannot permit the inferiority, whether physical or mental, to be perpetuated, unless it has succumbed to the death-wish inherent in an alien and poisonous religion.

What is true of children is even more true of adults. A civilized society necessarily protects its individual members from domestic and foreign violence, physical or economic, but it cannot protect individuals from themselves and exhibits its own deterioration when it madly tries to do so. Persons who do not have the intelligence and moral stamina to govern their own lives when they are free to do so should not perpetuate their genetic weakness and thus weaken the race as a whole. There are often good reasons for blunders in many matters, from matrimony to fiduciary relations, through inexperience, deceit, or fallacious appearances, but certainly the resort to drugs of well-known efficacy involves a decision for which the individual must bear the sole responsibility. Slavish addiction is proof of unfitness for civilized liberty and hence unfitness for civilized society.

In the modem world the old virtues, physical strength and prowess in combat, have lost their racial importance, but the corollary is the greatly increased importance of intelligence and moral strength.

Elimination of the unfit is the first requisite for the survival of a nation or race. To neglect this duty is knowingly to violate the inexorable law of nature that ordains the survival of the fittest, but a civilized society, by collectively assuming responsibility for the survival of its members, protects individuals from a need to fight for themselves, and thus permits the thoughtless to entertain illusions about the world and to imagine that the precarious security given them by the nation is something that occurs automatically and that they can abuse and exploit at will.

From a biological standpoint, however, the American people have long been mad. They not only insanely reject the eugenics necessary for survival, but enthusiastically promote every dysgenic device and procedure, not only by the mongrelization called "Integration," but by selective breeding for inferiority.

Driven by cunning enemies and our own shysters and fools, our nation became crazed with the Christians' frantic denial of reality, sullen hatred of reason and all excellence, and mad doting on whatever is debased, diseased, deformed, and degenerate.

All societies, by the very nature of heredity, produce waste products, and their health depends on prompt and efficient disposal of them. No society can stop up its sewers and survive for long. The crazed Christian ascetics of the early centuries often pleased their sadistic god by immuring themselves in narrow cells in which they existed with the accumulating mass of their own excrement 22, but we may be sure their lives were mercifully short. The same is true of a society that does not provide for the removal of its own tares and dregs.

Now that we have long since passed the point of no return, it is much too late, of course, to revert to the rational policy of Victorian times and earlier. What will happen after the catastrophic collapse and end of the United States, no one can predict, and hence no one can deny hope that our now delirious race may somehow survive and regain its vitality. But would that we had remained sane when there was no "drug problem"!

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12. My friend had not thought of inquiring whether the business man had sought help from a psychiatrist, who may have used the synthetic drug that was recently identified as causing homicidal mania in men. The effects on women are quite different. In the only case of which I have heard, a middle-aged woman, employed as a clerk and cashier caught in one of the "health maintenance" schemes now widely promoted, was given 'Prozac' by the psychiatrist to whom she was sent by the clinic; the results were wrinkling and premature aging of the face, inability to stand for any considerable length of time, frequent lapses of memory, and sporadic mental confusion approaching incoherence. When a threat of a suit for malpractice frightened the psychiatrist into releasing the victim, she recovered from all the effects of the drug in a few weeks on a diet that included an abundance of vitamins and necessary minerals.

13. See Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade (Brooklyn, Lawrence Hill [= Chicago Review Press], 1991.)

14. Len Martin, in his Godfathers of North Dakota (Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, Pro-American Press, 1987), quotes sworn testimony by Daniel Murray, who averred that he served as messenger for the Attorney General of North Dakota, carrying shipments of cocaine and occasionally marijuana from Florida for the huge criminal organization headed by the Governor of the state. The drugs were only a small part of the total corruption of government, including judges, lawyers, banks, and politicians, in a state which most of us consider agrarian and so probably retaining some of the whilom virtues of our people. It is, however, lousy with Jews. Cf. the mention of the Dakotas in Instauration, December 1987, p. 23.

15. The total effects of marijuana are still in dispute, and some "conservatives," such as William F. Buckley, advocate making it again generally available. It has been in use in the United States for a long time. It was around 1930, as I recall, that the leader of a small dance band told me that White men could not reproduce the nigger noise then in vogue for dancing without deranging their nervous systems by use of marijuana to produce the necessary reflexes. The current efforts to stop the production of marijuana by employing armies of vagrant spies to detect and uproot plants of Cannabis sativa forces the United States to rely on imports for an indispensable industrial material (hemp).

16. It is time that we stop the nonsense of pretending that while there are several species of each of the other anthropoids, there is only one species of anthropoids that can talk. That notion was based on anatomical similarities, with many details forced into the same pattern, ignoring the far greater psychic differences between races and even between ethnic groups.

17. My older readers will remember that this was the subject of a humorous and often reprinted tale, "Pigs is Pigs," about an express agent and a consignment of guinea pigs.

18. The nigger (mulatta) professor (!) who plays a stellar role in the Senatorial circus now performing in Washington (to distract attention from important issues) was one of the thirteen offspring in a household typical of her race.

19. By us, not by Jews, in whose vocabulary, fixed by God's Word in the Holy Talmud, only members of their own strange race are human, whereas other races (ethnê, gentiles, goyim) have only the status of domestic animals.

20. This capacity for compassion is peculiar to our race and unintelligible to all others. A lady who was a palaeozoölogist once confessed to me that when she examined the carcass of a female mammoth, frozen and preserved in arctic tundra, and found that the pregnant mammoth had died while chewing flowering shrubs in her mouth, she burst into tears. One must honor her for her racial integrity.

21. You, no doubt, have often wondered at the perversity of the maternal instinct that so commonly appears when the mother of six or seven children dotes on the worst of the lot, often with gross injustice to its betters.

22. Perhaps the best-known example is portrayed in Hroswitha's Conversio Thaidis metetricis (i.q. Pafnutius), derived from the early Christian tale, which, by the way, was also the source of Anatole France's exquistely ironic Thaïs.

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This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine, published monthly by George P. Dietz from September 1973 to February 1999. For reprint information please write to Liberty Bell Publications, Post Office Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA.

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