RPO, 1979 Webmaster: Kevin Alfred Strom. Send me email if you have any questions about this page.
Funds are needed to keep this site
on line and allow the publication of newly discovered and long out of print
works by Dr. Oliver. Will you help? Checks, money orders, or cash may be
sent to:
Kevin Alfred Strom
Box 762
Earlysville VA 22936
Revilo Oliver Biography
Review Press
RPO at Stormfront
RPO and the John
Birch Society
RPO and Imperium RPO audio


(click for full passport photo of Dr. and Mrs. Oliver)

(click for larger image)
(click for larger image)
(click for larger image)

Click on the images above to view the commendations received
by Dr. Oliver for his secret work during the Second World War, and his
Award of Merit from the American Academy of Public Affairs.
Thanks to:
The Trustees of the Estate of Revilo
P. Oliver
George P. Dietz
Historical Review Press
Sam Dickson
Don Black
William Pierce
William and Harriet Simpson
for making the works of Revilo
Oliver available to us.
All articles at this site copyright
©1997-2009 by Kevin Alfred Strom
Original text copyright ©1973-1994 by Liberty Bell Publications, copyright
©1954-2001 Revilo P. Oliver and the Estate of Revilo P. Oliver. Used
with permission.
 Now available from Cosmotheist Books: Revilo Oliver's The Jewish Strategy
The Works of
Revilo Pendleton Oliver
The Meaning of Americanism
-- Radio broadcast; 18th March, 1960: A radio address on the history and
threat of international Communism, made on behalf of the "Christian Crusade
Talkathon." 15 minutes, 22 kHz, 2613 kb. listen
now or download.
They Shall Not Go Unpunished
-- Speech before the Dallas Indignation Committee; 1961: Dr. Oliver's favorite
of his own speeches (mentioned here in
1993), given before a very enthusiastic audience of over 5,000. A powerful
call to evict the traitors from Washington. Includes detailed discussion
of the betrayal of the anti-Communist Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion
and the mysterious CIA radio station Radio Swan on Swan Island.
62 minutes, 11 kHz, 7321 kb. listen
now or download.
Informal talk about
Communism -- Extemporaneous discussion at Kenneth Goff's school;
June 1961, Englewood, Colorado: An unscripted talk on the history and nature
of Communism at the patriotic school operated by Kenneth Goff (whose Soldiers
of the Cross later published The Anti-Humans
by D. Bacu.). Discusses intelligence work, propaganda, front groups, psychology
of Communists and fellow travellers. Kenneth Goff himself (defector from
American Communism) also contributes to the discussion. 92 minutes,
22 kHz, 16192 kb. listen
now or download.
On Communism --
Speech given at Kenneth Goff's school; June 1961, Englewood, Colorado:
The fantastic misconceptions about Communism which allowed it, and the
forces behind it, to take power in both the East and West; Marcus Isaac
Goldman; the Alfred K. Stern Case; the incredible gullibility of Americans.
62 minutes, 22 kHz, 10863 kb. listen
now or download.
The Ends of Socialism
-- Speech given at Freedom Forum; 23d April, 1963, Searcy, Arkansas: Socialism
as distinct from -- and as an aspect of -- Communism; the idea of self-government
as recent and unique to Western Man; historic socialism from ancient Egypt
and Peru to modern Europe. 62 minutes, 11 kHz, 7316 kb. listen
now or download.
The Mad Marxmen --
Speech given to the Congress of Freedom; April 1964, Birmingham, Alabama:
The vicious press campaign against Dr. Oliver after the publication of
his articles on the Kennedy assassination, and other such smear campaigns
in the 20th century. 63 minutes, 11 kHz, 7347 kb. listen
now or download.
Can 'Liberals' be Educated?
-- Speech given for the John Birch Society; 10th September, 1965, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania: Provides penetrating insights into the pathology of "liberalism."
Oliver's hilarious analysis of "liberal intellectual" charlatans and suckers
is still applicable today. This speech was also made before a Citizens'
Council gathering in January 1966. 63 minutes, 11 kHz, 7299 kb. listen
now or download.
Self Preservation
-- Speech given to the Congress of Freedom; 1966, Shreveport, Louisiana:
In this ground-breaking speech, Dr. Oliver urges anti-Communist groups
to face the biological reality of race; he also discusses the history of,
and infighting among and within, patriotic resistance groups in the United
States; the Paul Reveres, Elizabeth Dilling, Colonel Edwin Hadley; Transcendentalism;
Abolitionism; the insane sentimentalism and "do-gooding" of our people.
61 minutes, 11 kHz, 7144 kb. listen
now or download.
Conspiracy or Degeneracy?--
Speech given before the New England Rally for God, Family, and Country;
2d July, 1966, Boston, Massachusetts: Is the decline of the West the result
of a conspiracy? -- or of a cultural and biological degeneration? This
speech has been often misquoted
in an attempt to attack Dr. Oliver; now you can hear his actual words for
yourself. 58 minutes, 11 kHz, 6770 kb. listen
now or download.
The Road Ahead
-- Speech given to the Congress of Freedom; 14th April, 1967: The successes
and failures of patriotic efforts in the United States; the assassination
of John F. Kennedy by the enemies of America; and a frank account of the
only possible way to a new American consensus -- an honest use of the issue
of race. 59 minutes, 11 kHz, 6946 kb. listen
now or download.
What We Owe Our Parasites
-- Speech given to the Lorelei Club; 9th June, 1968, Hamburg, New York:
Dr. Oliver's brilliant exposition of the present plight of our race and
it is about us that has made us such easy dupes of our enemies. His
best and most comprehensive short work and a necessary part of every patriot's
education. 76 minutes, 22 kHz, 13294 kb. listen
now or download.
Race and Revolution
-- Speech given to the Canadian League of Rights; 10th August, 1968, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada: The common destiny of Canada and the United States is
based more on race than on geography; the racial war being waged on White
people. Similar, in parts, to the previous speech. 61 minutes, 11 kHz,
7148 kb. listen now
or download.
A Jesus Who Was a Christ
-- Liberty Bell, February:
The story of Jesus ben Pandera; how myths are
altered over time.
Aiding Aids -- Liberty Bell, May:
A "morality" that protects the HIV-infected from
inconvenience endangers us with infection.
Different Spooks -- Liberty Bell, May:
Discusses the innate differences in racial mentality between Europeans and Africans, particularly as these are evidenced by things "spiritual."
The End of the Trail -- Liberty Bell, July:
Amplifies Dr. Oliver's thoughts on Dian Fossey's work with mountain gorillas and discusses her murder at her observation station in Africa.
To Honor Darwin -- Liberty
Bell, September:
Biological evolution versus "creation science,"
the Smithsonian's dilemma.
Acquired Intelligence Deficiency
-- Liberty Bell, October:
Homosexuality, the Christian clergy, and the
AIDS epidemic.
A Religion for Aryans
-- Liberty Bell, December:
Reincarnation, Indo-European religion, and fleecing
the gullible with "New Age" hoaxes.
Tragedy and Terror -- Liberty
Bell, January:
Deception and sabotage against Germany during
A Fatefully Failed Alliance? -- Liberty
Bell, March:
Negotiations on a proposed alliance between Zionists
and Germany during WWII.
The Kosher Kings -- Liberty Bell,
Prince Albert, Queen Victoria, and the strange
practice of royal circumcision in England.
How They Stole the Church
-- Liberty Bell, August:
The palace revolution in the "modernized" Roman
Catholic Church.
Pons Asinorum
-- Liberty Bell, August:
Is Communism inherently an enemy of religion?
A Babylonian Captivity
-- Liberty Bell, September:
The resettlements of Jews, ancient and modern.
A Forgery of
Our Own -- Liberty Bell, September:
Ancient document forgeries; Jewish survival strategies.
Failure in
Louisiana -- Liberty Bell, December:
David Duke's campaign for governor, the Ku Klux
Klan, "Reconstruction."
The Origins
of Christianity -- Historical Review Press, published posthumously:
A book-length treatise on the roots of the dominant
religion of the West.
on the Christ Myth -- Historical Review Press, published posthumously:
An important new booklet on the genesis of the
Jesus story, available in printed form from Historical
Review Press.